Made it thru two cups of java with a cat stampede feeding frenzy in between.
Swordfish is loaded up with fresh rosin, so third cup is in order. Maybe then I can eat some breakfast of sorts. Gotta get some girls chopped today.
Girls in the 2x4 need a boost. They never really recovered from the dusty top dressing that I didn't FULLY wash off. I'll only use it in a compost tea in the future. I thought I had it mixed well enough in to the top of the media, it was just so damn light, fine and dry.
any spraying moved it. Even with the fans turned off. it floated when applying.....even right over the media. Grow N Learn!
I'm gonna try some GLB test nutes, no real loss if I screw it up.
Time to start planning who gets planted next. My last freebie 3 Bears OG X Double Grape gets the nod for a regular EB. I need a big girl for the other Regular EB. How about [Sour Stomper X CDLC] x FORUM STOMPER?
I do have more Hubbabubbasmelloscope. She STILL produced a bunch of hash, despite the problems that came up when using EB's recommendations on dolomite.

She can be a big girl, right?
I wanna give OgreBerry a chance to shine in a Jr. With the degree she recovered and began to pack on bud and frost, she deserves a Jr.
I have BeaverGenetics G&S. Whatever girl they send will get a Jr.......two strains.....two Jrs.
That's two or three.............5 Jr spots.
I wanna give Elephant a chance in a Jr. I need to test her reported CBD attributes. If she produces, I'll send her off for testing.
I wanna do Linda Seeds Northern Light, but NL tends to run long. I want this run in cure at Christmas.
I am gonna give Linda Seeds Fat Blueberry a run in a Jr. If I didn't have a big Meph girl, the FB would get a Regular. She has the promise of very productive high quality rock hard nugs that are EASY to trim. She hits some top requirements/wants. I have not sampled her yet, but with the looks and smells, the chances are pretty damn good that I will be happy.
pop22 says he and his friends like it. I'm gonna reverse a Sour Stomper and pollinate a branch of FatBlueBerry.

........Stomper in a little 3gal pot.
The last spot goes to Night Owl Mangoes N Chem. The thought has occurred to me that maybe Mangos N Chem could be a Regular EB candidate. I know some have grown her. Would you swap places with Hubbabubbasmelloscope. I really think HBSS has the potential to be a monster if I can manage her properly.
I needs sum MephHead Help! LOL!
That's the next grow! More than likely, I'll start as soon as the G&S seeds arrive. I do want to have all the tents running with all EBs filled with media wetted to the proper levels for several days to get the tent/growroom environment fully dialed in and microbes a little time to get established. My 'Dynamite stick' will be mixed in all the fresh media and I'll wet it to the proper levels with Recharge with a little molasses. Damn! That means I need to get another big tote to mix in. more tote strung along the back porch! LOL!

.............Jebus!!! Dat's a loooong post! Yup! I iz