Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Guest that came in the house. Caught and released back outside.
I am trying to ask this in a way that doesn't come off as a criticism or judgement, I simply don't know... So....

Is driving after having a smoke or an edible version safe? Is the effect much like having a couple drinks? Safe to a point?

If this is poor etiquette to ask I apologize.
Ya for my tolerance of 5 blunts a day 1/2 blunt makes driving bearable cuz many an idiot in my area! If not I find myself spending half the trip cussing at other drivers and flipping people off!
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Interesting. I was just curious because ive never tried it. I know I can have a glass of wine at a restaurant and drive home fine, maybe 2. But at three? Nope. Someone else gets the keys.
Bro but 2 sips of an alcoholic beverage I’d be in a ditch if I drove! Never been a drinker so have absolutely 0 tolerance at all! Prob be lit off 1 mixed drink! :crying:
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