Live Stoner Chat Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Good Morfnoevight All you hard workin stoners. It is good to be stoned............

Ha! No those are the supplies for the hardscaping in the front and backyard. I've got a French drain to install and a bunch of paving to do once its not 90* every day. Also have to finish double digging and amending the other half of the soil out there.

Double gigging is the best start to good organic soil. It is a lot of work, it is so worth it! :toke:

As soon as my truck is running (ECU in the mail) I will get a yard of good compost and mix in this amendment for my vegetable garden. I just cannot make enough compost here to add 3 inches to all of the beds. It is time for a good top dressing. I need to do the math and break it down how much I need and to batches that fit my cement mixer.

Does your phone not have a pro mode?

I have a Cannon that I've used for portrait photography before but unless you're planning on shelling put for individual lenses for different functions its not worthwhile. The standard lens that comes with is really meh, but you won't really notice till you upgrade lenses and then you're like "wow, these old pics look like shit."

Learning your phone better would be way easier, learning manual on a camera is way more complicated and will also require you to learn post processing, or buy more equipment in order to create a near perfect environment.

But the base model of the camera doesn't matter much, the lenses are the important part.
my phone sucks and i have tried every mode on it, im willing to shell out money for something that works as long as it focuses on close ups without pissing me off. i hate taking 30 pics trying to get s focused shot and i hae, repeat hate touch screen tech, just me tho.
First auto grow, Day 24, so first time I'm seeing these in person...

This is a pre-flower, right?

View attachment 1367896
That’s branches pretty sure. Preflower will have 2 hairs sticking out of a flower that looks like a green pot seed. The are on the way. :baby:
First auto grow, Day 24, so first time I'm seeing these in person...

This is a pre-flower, right?

The two pointy things are stipules. Soon you will see pairs of pistils on a female plant .. usually white
First auto grow, Day 24, so first time I'm seeing these in person...

This is a pre-flower, right?

View attachment 1367896 :rolleyes2: thoze are jus new side branchez forming is all ;) the pic that kyote put up is what it lookz like when they show sex...preflower is when u'll see white hairz start poppin out in lil bunchez that look like lil crownz ;) ppp
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