Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Jul-Sep '21

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Heeeyyyyyyyyy Mo! :bighug::cheers::vibe:
All good my brother and I hope you all good too!
Past year has been a tough one for many around the world, me included.
I'm all good now and have had both my shots.
Lets hope can catch a break this year huh?:shrug:
Just dropped some "Grape Gushers Auto" and waiting for them to crack.

Looking at your sig I see two point of interest, 1.Solo cups, hell yeah, so much fun! I must do another one soon!
2. We got another pollen chucker in the house, something which I have yet to try, so I will be very interested to follow your experiment with interest!

dunno is you saw the solo cups I grew in 2020, so here a re a few pics.

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Ruby from the autoflower portal

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Spiritwalker from autoflower portal (I named this strain)

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Spirit walker ready for the chop

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Ruby ready for the chop.

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4 foot (120 cm) solo cup grow, I forget the name, I need to look it up in my journal.
Nicely nicely you gotta check out my dude HanSolo mr @St. Tom man working magic on the cups.
And what solocup signature? That was another nightmare almost went to jail lmao

Had an orgy pot going but it’s pregnant and I’m sure it was documented when it happened.. someone has a male within 20 miles lmao:crying:
Been searching religiously for herm and nanners nothing
But it’s gonna get weird now that it’s battling an early pollen attack and who knows if it’s been culled.. could be a rouge ball hidden thing was throwing weird calix .. nice ratios but I think it needs a genetic shuffle

And I guess you never looked at any of my journals lmao they are boring .
Pollen chucker pffffft
With a name like artisan you should be making classics.
I'll pull the packs but without the packs they were 55% after 2 hours. with the packs bumped up to 60-63%. i really don't care about the % as long as it burns and gets me stoned, 55% don't seem rough or hurtful and still gets me high so i'm guessing the % thing is just a preference on smoke taste?

My last harvest was in the 70%s without packs and i burped them down to 60's then added packs. I'm just a new guy trying to learn whats what :kitty:
Hey @arty zan good to see you bro:toke::pass:Good to hear you have some beans cooking:smoking::cheers:

Hey @Jraven :bighug:
Nice to be around again! Thanks for the warm welcome back!! :cheers::headbang:
I'll be about here and "there", looking forward to seeing some nice grows and doing some of my own!
Feels nice dropping some beans again, it's been a while.
Good to put the past year behind me, it's been a weird one for everybody, hasn't it!
Sour Stomper day 20 really making daily jumps!
Almost a shame to reverse this one!

LOL! I wished my others looked this good that sprouted the same day. The others are a good 10 days behind her. Airflow lesson learned!:grrr1::funny::funny:
@arty zan ....... :bighug: ...where you never never phone home.......?....:pighug:

Hoping you are Okay....:pass:
Have you ever tried to write with fingers like mine?
It's like trying to eat spaghetti with nothing but pipe cleaners!
One too many digits you may think from the picture, they aint all digits :crying:
You know in the the film they changed my name to protect my identity The film may have been released as ET but we all know it was meant to be RT!

So yeah, managed to get home to Texilon 5 and spent some time visiting the "Fritgoth System",famously known for it's pleasure domes on Spiffing X9. Anything goes and I did!

At this range from the "Fritgoth System" is 145 Parsecs from Earth, it takes an intergalactic call forever to reach "Psillyarrse", what you "Earthlings" ("Psillyarrselings) like to call "Earth".
So as you see coms have been down.

Is it any wonder I have gnarled and knobbly fingers , when they drag along the ground.
Funny story to that, I once had legs, yeah no shit! They were long and graceful, like a ballet dancers.
So there I was on Frimpton 3, with my crew mates getting lashed and generally having fun but slowly one by one the lightweights crashed out leaving the last alien standing, me.
This was a boring state of affairs, so I went for a walk in the near by dessert known as the Frimpton Meringue Dunes ( seeing as it was a dessert and not a desert after all).
Anyhooo long story short, I found a strange lamp, so a I gave it a rub as you do in all good stories with desserts in them and :poof: there was an alien genie in front of me, what were the chances eh??
The genie then offered me one wish (don'tcha hate cutbacks)!?
So I wished for my gentleman's sausage to touch the floor and the genie said no problems, I can do that for you!
At this point I was happier than a dog with two tails!
There was a great flash of light and the smell of burning hair (which was weird, as I don't have hair) and low and behold, my sausage was touching the floor!!!!
Only problem was, my legs had completely disappeared, totally gone and my one wish had been used up, there was no going back to things as they were before!
I was not a happy "Peshnik" what you would call a "bunny"!

So you see that is why my knuckles scrape the floor, rending me unable to pen a letter.
When people say let the fingers do the talking, I usually give them two fingers or flip them the bird, it take less time that way.

The moral of this story is to be careful what you wish for, especially as you never know when you may have to walk over gravel and it aint my fingers that take the worst of that beating!

I'll PM you soon, with a less fanciful state of events.
I have been accused of telling tall stories at times but look at me there isnt' anything tall about me but as we all know that's my own fault for talking to alien genies!

Hope you are well and life is good with you and yours.
Last I remember you were talking about visiting your kids in blighty.
Hugz'n'smokez :bighug::pass:

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