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This is hilarious….

We need to increase site membership, but think every new member might be a bot, scammer, or troll :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

what can i say -> Carl'z fingerz stretch looooooooong :rofl: :doh: ppp
This is hilarious….

We need to increase site membership, but think every new member might be a bot, scammer, or troll :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Quick post before physio.

Reaching and stooping are pretty hard still but I have to do what I can in the tent.

The El Chapo are 2 weeks in bloom and the little flowers are a pretty soft yellow. The photo quality is too embarrassing to post.

This grow might test my new filter....
I've got an inkling that we have a possible duplicate member taking the piss ( again )
When I've had a dragon soop or 5 I know when shit ain't right.

I was meaning to ask you mate, we're you a submariner during any conflicts.
If so I thank you and also think your mental at the same time,
My uncle was a Navy man that told me about rescuing bubleheads as he called them, countless times in the Pacific during ww2,
He said it takes a special kinda person to dive deep for your country as the sea is one cruel motherfucker and nobody on the surface understands this.
You mean like that one guy that made several ID's to up his view count on his thread to cheat me out of that Mars SP65000 light Contest?

Let's clarify something!:biggrin:

I was never stationed on board a submarine. I worked at Subase Pearl Repairing those black pieces of stuff that the bubbleheads broke. Most Fast Attack submarine personnel don't work on their own equipment!:rolleyes1::rolleyes1:
Hell, they even had rooms in the enlisted BAQs.... Barracks. The only time they slept on the submarines is when they were out the sea and on duty night in port! I kinda understand some of the reasoning why they housed them in barracks when they weren't out to sea. It is a pretty stressful environment when they're out the sea. And the birthing departments are pretty tight. Housing them in the barracks can help relieve some stress on both parts.
Now, the part about them not working on their equipment is quite a bit more complicated. I think on the equipment where they have the tools and the ability, they should definitely should work on their own equipment. Now, there were certain pieces of equipment where it would just be best to take it to the shop and rebuild it there. Just not really enough room to do it on board the submarine. But the large majority of the jobs that I had aboard submarines were done on site.

I always thought that was an error in judgment in the submarine fleet. I know if I were a submariner or a commanding officer of a submarine, I would want to know everything about my boat and how to fix it! I did meet a couple of chief engineers that believe as I did. They knew that if there was a piece of equipment that I was working on aboard their boat, he could ask if I would hold training for his men while we did the repair.
Those chief engineers agreed with me that it does increase readiness. Me or someone like me is not gonna be at sea with them in if it breaks down. I was definitely expected to repair my own stuff when I was bored of surface ship! It's what we did!:headbang::headbang::headbang:

Now, I have gone to sea on board a couple of boats. But those were only for short terms to evaluate equipment in its environment. And yes, you have to be crazy to go on long deployments in a black piece of turd! You really cannot let your guard down at anytime aboard a submarine. Everything can kill you a board of submarine!

Since I was so damn good at working on submarines, they extended my tour there twice! :face:Most guys in the Navy would appreciate another two years of sure duty. The problem is that I actually worked FAR less when I went to my next command aboard an aircraft carrier and had a ridiculous amount of equipment under my care with very few guys. My middle name at Subase Pearl Was TC........ Till Complete.:face:My Mom came out to visit one time. The wife picked her up from the airport and Mom didn't see me until three days later. Hell it didn't matter that much, she was mainly there for the grandkids anyway! LOL! I did get off once while she was there after working 72 hours plus straight. I got to take her in the boys to the beach and about all I did was take a video of them playing in the water and got a good Video of a wave tackling my mom after telling her not to put her back to the waves! And then I passed out for about two hours on the beach!

When I was finally up for orders.................... For the last time at Pearl Harbor............. I did call DC and talk to a submarine detailer. Detailers assign personnel. I told him that I would volunteer for subs but only accept orders to Boomers............. Ballistic missile submarines. I had done a job on the Ohio when it had pulled into Pearl one time. Those things are pretty damn big, especially when compared to fast attacks! You could actually walk down the Passageways and with arms opened and not touch a thing! Realistically, I only did that for a career move. I still had plans for making an officer candidate program. Despite all the knowledge that I have from working on submarines, The Detailer said that would not happen! He said that they would rather train a raw recruit from the very beginning and have him think submarine 24/7. I think that was some holdover crap reasoning from when Admiral Rickover was God over everything nuclear powered in the navy.

And your uncle was absolutely correct! It does take particular kind of nut to be a submariner!
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