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Good thing this impacts Hops as well. You can bet your ass a LOT of breweries are really keen on figuring this out.
My brother owns a brewery…. I’ve asked him about it a few times and he’s not even heard of it….. then again, he’s drunk, so there’s that.
:doh: :doh: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Not that I know of but I was told in here my plants looked possibly like HLVD

I would agree but it can be spread through seeds :yoinks::nono::condom:
Yeah it is kind of difficult to think it could be transmitted through seeds, but you have to remember that this is a viroid not a virus.

To be honest with you, I think there is too much "stonerism" going on with the people that are actually involved with the problem. From the lady's own mouth. with her talking about the myriad of different symptoms that can be attributed to this viroid, how do we know that these symptoms are directly related to the viroid and not just it being present with other conditions causing the problem? They're not using the scientific process, at least I haven't seen any yet. There has to be a tied cause and effect of this viroid to be present before any logical and scientific conclusion can be drawn.
Is it just 18 any which way? Or is it split between flowering, vegging, etc?

ya, technically, it'z suppozed to be 6 each in diff stagez of growth....6 flowering plantz, 6 non-flowering over 14" tall & 6 "clonez" (non-flowering under 14")....BUT, thoze rulez were written with photoz only in mind, so needless to say, when it comez to autoz, it can be a whole diff story :rofl: but for jus a simple home grow, nobody'z really counting, so....:shrug: ppp
You know, if you would grow autos, your plants would probably yield similar, but you could stagger the starts and get multiple harvests while staying within legal plant limits…. And increase overall harvest. :pass:
That's kind of what I'm doing in this grow........................ I'm going to grow autos in the new 3x3 Tent and once those are done, the clones will be in there To make seeds.

Although I'm not decreasing my plant count. Plant count :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Pretty irrelevant for me growing in ShadowLand!

"Plant count?"
"We don' ned no stinkin' plant count!"
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