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weed video click bait…

:crying: hey, everybody here knowz that my growz are infamous for small plantz anyway, so....what'z one or two more-? :rofl: :coffee: ppp
:face:Frank I think that’s just be naive YouTube or google search HLVD there plenty of science stuff about it too
Ok, point taken…. The thing I’m calling BS on is how rampant they say it is. Sure, it exists, I’m not saying it doesn’t. But to listen to these folks….. we’re all DOOMED. And it’s just not the case. They’ve been talking about it for a year or more, and I’ve yet to see one case…. :pass:
:crying: hey, everybody here knowz that my growz are infamous for small plantz anyway, so....what'z one or two more-? :rofl: :coffee: ppp
You know, if you would grow autos, your plants would probably yield similar, but you could stagger the starts and get multiple harvests while staying within legal plant limits…. And increase overall harvest. :pass:
…… and how did she turn out?

Don’t exactly remember feel like it was decent smoke just yield wasn’t there. I did some more research at the time and don’t think or a least hope that was the issue just me fucking with the plants

Ok, point taken…. The thing I’m calling BS on is how rampant they say it is. Sure, it exists, I’m not saying it doesn’t. But to listen to these folks….. we’re all DOOMED. And it’s just not the case. They’ve been talking about it for a year or more, and I’ve yet to see one case…. :pass:

Ok yeah fully agree it is there just not sure how prevalent it is. Testing is a bit difficult
Nope, not concerned…

Where are the failures? Anyone reading this…. Please chime in with your failed garden stories from the viroid..

I haven’t heard any actual, first hand accounts of failures. I’ve heard podcasts about this one guy, or that one farm. But look around. You having problems? I’m not.
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To be honest, that's pretty much my take at the moment.
You know, if you would grow autos, your plants would probably yield similar, but you could stagger the starts and get multiple harvests while staying within legal plant limits…. And increase overall harvest. :pass:

hey, i grow autoz & photoz both ;) and seriously, ya, i joke a lot about small yieldz, but hey, bottom line, it'z a helluva lot ezier to laugh about sumthin than to grieve about it, so....:thumbsup: long story short, i've never given one iota of a fuck about yieldz....when all is said & done, my growz do keep me in plenty o' stash & i ain't gonna be runnin out any time soon, so....jus sayin :biggrin: ppp

edit: and as far as "stayin within legal plant limitz", we can grow up to 18 plantz here in mizery, so i ain't too worried about that part either :rofl: ;)
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