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Crap I have a dentist appointment. just before :smokeit:

dude, FUCK the dentist! :finger: u don't need any stinkin teeth anyway :nono: i haven't had any at all for yearz & i'm doin jus fine :biggrin: long story short, the eclipse is truly a one-time thing & u DEF DON'T wanna miss it! :naughtystep: (well, it'll be twice for me....but i ain't rubbin it in or anything :mrgreen: ) ppp
Good Morfnoevight All! EO, Dabs too.

Finally got a renter in my house in Colorado, turned the water back on to the house, and half my plumbing is cracked from the freezing Temps and water expansion.

Awesome fucking day!
Did I ever mention how much I hate plumbing?
dude, FUCK the dentist! :finger: u don't need any stinkin teeth anyway :nono: i haven't had any at all for yearz & i'm doin jus fine :biggrin: long story short, the eclipse is truly a one-time thing & u DEF DON'T wanna miss it! :naughtystep: (well, it'll be twice for me....but i ain't rubbin it in or anything :mrgreen: ) ppp
I get Ya some of my choppers are not real I will throw the welding mask in the ride Not supposed to happen here untill around 3 pm :pass:
One hour in

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