A few words on tolerance….
When judging someone’s consumption, take into account their medical uses of the plant. Like pharma meds, some patients need a stronger dose.
Also, dose is different from person to person, naturally. What totally sends one person into outer space, may just give the next person a buzz. We’ve all seen this.
The lower tolerance gained from a tolerance break lasts somewhere between one and three weeks, in my experience.
Lastly, what is there to be gained or lost by having your tolerance at a certain level? It takes what it takes to get to your desired level….
Good morning my friend
Oh yeah man, I know all the above., I am kind of amazed at the level of consumption that some people are able to do. The first thing that comes to mind is these people taking these huge dabs and making these huge clouds with hits after hits. Ain't no way in hell I could do that!

But what is pretty interesting is individual reactions to cannabis. The lady at the vape shop closest to me. Says that cannabis has no effect on her. I do kind of think I've heard people say that before, back in my younger days and most times my first thought was yeah you've never tried it and you're too chicken to admit it!

But I do genuinely feel that that is what she thinks.
And then naturally my military logic has to come out and look at the logistic side of 'Mass Quantities' of cannabis use. I don't really monitor my cannabis use, just a general idea. It does come into play a fair amount with what I do. I gotta keep other people in mind and their needs. The vets have been helping are doing much better. And that's what keeps me doing what I'm doing. The only bad thing about it is they've become dependent on what I supply. And that's one of the many reasons I keep upgrading and refining my grow and usage of what I grow.
And like you said, people Medicate for different reasons. The vast majority of why I partake is for pain relief. I'd say about 75% Of the reason and throw in a 10% for sleep. And naturally I like the euphoric effect of the high.
With those priorities, that's why I trend to include CBD as much as possible. I still get pretty damn lit even with a lot of CBD. Naturally I like it for the pain relief, but that trend to like the high, the euphoric part, a bit better than just plain THC. I can't really put into words exactly what I like about it better, just that it is. I don't know maybe you could term it as 'smoothness'?????
I've done this experiment quite a few times. I will get my gaming veteran friend and we'll set up a time where we will smoke the exact same strain and try to duplicate the amount and then go gaming together. It's quite interesting to see how people react to the same smoke. The other night we were smoking Mac N Crack. I suggested we hit it pretty hard and we did just that!

Ohh it had me jacked up like crazy! I play GTA extremely strategically. After 10 freaking years of playing the game, I know how it functions extremely well.

And I fully utilize what is available in the game.
So I'm looking at the map and planning. I'm also getting everything ready to go outside of one of my Properties and begin to raise hell. My buddy is in the clouds. He is totally unfocused, which is not his norm. I'm telling him how to do normal easy things he's done a man times!

He is behind on everything! While he's muttering to himself giving things done, I keep hearing, "Damn this is good weed!" And almost every time a grunt followed that statement! Or prefaced it!
He also punched out earlier than me. Yeah, he is a father with toddlers, so sleep it's just not all that prevalent! My mind was still going 90 per!

Well I'm just about finished with this canna coffee. It contained a pretty heavy dose of 3 full droppers of THC CBD and then two droppers plain T H C. I got physical therapy today so I need to get loaded up on my CBD.
Everyone have a Happy Cannabis Day......................... Celebrate that every day!