A few words on tolerance….Damn man! Tolerance is getting pretty high there!
That kind of brings up a good question. How high is too high when it comes to tolerance?
With growing going on the 4th year, I think my tolerance level has naturally increased, but I don't think it's increased very much. It didn't take long and I was making and using concentrates.
I think I'm still quite a few years off from needing to take a break. How long of a break is needed to get some sort of reset? Those of you that have done a cannabis sabbatical, does the reset seem to last a decent amount of time?
I wonder who would win in a Canna consuming contest between @Fermented_Fruitz and the boss at NugSmasher!
I think Mark could give him a good run for the money!
Be forewarned, I did see him slam down some infused oil that they made from squished pucks. That definitely was some potent stuff! It was definitely funny as hell watching him doing it just nonchalantly as possible.
When judging someone’s consumption, take into account their medical uses of the plant. Like pharma meds, some patients need a stronger dose.
Also, dose is different from person to person, naturally. What totally sends one person into outer space, may just give the next person a buzz. We’ve all seen this.
The lower tolerance gained from a tolerance break lasts somewhere between one and three weeks, in my experience.
Lastly, what is there to be gained or lost by having your tolerance at a certain level? It takes what it takes to get to your desired level….
Good morning my friend