Finally, someone did a bit of editing!

He is far behind real time. I sometimes catch his updates on IG.
Jeremy is a damn good gardener, but he doesn't really respect autos much, but I think Daz may actually end up changing his mind. He might become
actually serious in growing autos.
I got two problems with the two autos he grew in the 4x4 tent. The girl on the left was a water only and the one on the right was and attempt at some sort of auto soil mixture. It supposedly had less nutrients and more aeration. But as he admits in the video he messed up on the wicking part using it with that auto pot system.
The left hand girl
1. A water only organic soil grow is nothing but a dream, if you want to fully utilize the girl to her fullest potential. Sure, you can get pretty decent results, but they're not gonna be the results that you
could have produced. Then you had to remember you're talking about autos which can be fairly picky at times.
The right hand girl
2. Autos really don't need any
real special low nutrient or any other change from bagged soil like Roots Organic Original or Coast of Maine Stonington blend With maybe only the introduction of a bit more volcanic hummus for aeration to encourage root growth which I think is one of the key points in autos.
Using their "build a soil method", either one of those bagged soils with a slight addition of volcanic pumice And then top dress and plant a living cover crop to help keep the moisture level at the top in the proper range.
The only place you need to consider moderation would be in the top dressings,
Now, do I go beyond the measures above?

That's a silly question!

Of course I do!

But the vast majority of what I do is not for the nutritional levels of the soil, but for beneficial to microbes. The flora and fauna that help you to grow cannabis! I would go into exactly what I do and why, but this damn rabbit hole is already deep enough!

Speaking of Daz.............. He's the one that's responsible for that! That damned Mango N Chem Live Rosin
Will make you 'rabbit hole' like a MF!

Enough of my so called half-assed bitchin'! I already told Jeremy last month what was going to happen to his autos.

I was on the phone with them asking a question about a product before I ordered. After I got my info I asked the guy who can't email to get a message to Jeremy about one videos. He gave me the address and I sent one off.

I did razz him a bit about his handling of his auto girls that he's grown in the series . And for those that don't know he's admitted to it on camera. But like I said above, I think that's changing. Maybe Daz might give him some input and he might listen.
edit.................... Well,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I had to be honest and admit to just now realizing why I'm so god damn high. I moved around quite a bit of kind of heavy, but awkward stuff in the grow room today. My back didn't like that too much. It was screaming pretty loud. So I decided to stuff two mini cupcakes with two droppers each of my THC/CBD in Coconut oil down its throat to see if it would shut it up.
It sure did!


the F outta the pain.........................and me too!
Kind of made me wish I'd only given that all to someone that I knew was gonna be appreciative. That's some damn good oil.
See Frank
@Frankthetank ........................... A rabbit hole within a rabbit hole !