Thanks frank. Just read the instructions for the Cannatrol and now my head hurts so I thought I’d try a dab or two. Haven’t dabbed in over a month
Nothing to it. Plug the screen in, plug the unit in, fill, hit start and you’re off. Add the sponge on the second day (24 hours after starting..).

You do want to empty the drain tray daily, and maybe twice the first two days… :pass:
Nothing to it. Plug the screen in, plug the unit in, fill, hit start and you’re off. Add the sponge on the second day (24 hours after starting..).

You do want to empty the drain tray daily, and maybe twice the first two days… :pass:
Yeah this was also the plan I came up with after reading all that crap 🤣
I completely understand my friend. It’s a totally valid way to feel, and anyone would feel the same way in your shoes. I certainly have.

You have to know that improvement will come as you heal, and unfortunately that takes time. They’ll get the GI stuff worked out, eventually. I know how hard it is to be laid up, busted up, and with a brain that can only focus on what was, how dire the situation is. It’s very hard to control your own thoughts, but in this instance…it’s very important to try, my friend.

You are not your body, you are your consciousness….your body is just a loaner meat vehicle you’ll drop one day …. Those thoughts you’re having, while true….aren’t worth spending time on. Throw those thoughts back into the river of thoughts, and find a positive outlook. I know it sounds trite….. but it’s what I’ve found that works in the darkest of situations. It’s what the reggae music is about, all of it. You must fight to find a positive way of viewing the situation, of KNOWING that not only will you make a recovery, but that you’ll be stronger and better for it in the long run….

You are focusing on what’s missing. Focus on what is…here and now.

Broken? Good…. You can heal back better. Jobless? Good…. More time for healing, and to find what’s next….Stuck in bed? Good…. Plenty of time to work on and strengthen your mindset. No sex? Good….. now you can finally focus on the rest of life without that sweet, pink distraction. No money? Good…. No more worries of going broke. Now you can explore ways to make money with your brain rather than your body. No good food? Good…. Imagine how good food will be in the future after you’ve reset your palate.

My point is….. nothing is fucked here dude. This is a chance for a hard reset…. You’re in the midst of a life changing event. Change. Roll with the punches and look at what’s next, not what was. I’ve been where you are and understand how incredibly hard it is…. And I also understand that words are words and they’re hard to hear when you’re in it. Consider them. Figure this out. You’ll get stronger in ways that are unimaginable through this. But you can’t let it break you. You must FIGHT.

A smart dude once said “when you think you’re totally fucked, you’re actually only forty percent fucked….” Your brain, your mindset will carry you through this…. You just have to meet it halfway my friend. Deep breaths, never give up. Every day the healing continues is a day closer to true healing. You just gotta get there…. :bighug:

o..................k.....................i actually did read.........every........single.........word of that................................whilst still trippin a bit on shroomz....................and.......................................................:whew: :pighug: ppp
It’s what the reggae music is about, all of it.

meanwhile, at any given point, metal jus tellz u, point blank, how utterly fucked everything is, end of story :crying: :whew: :headbang:

RIP Mike Howe! :bow: :headbang: ppp
Good Morfnoevight All! Past EO, lots of dabs onboard.


Starting new soil after retiring my 4 year old stuff has been "problematic" to put it mildly. The ocean forest I paid 25 dollars a bag for was completely "raw".. You could plainly see it had been mixed, packaged, and sent out.. Most of the peat had not transformed into what it should look like and much was barely incorporated into the mix.. Now usually I would bin this ffof for a month and soak it in compost teas and throw some worms in it but this time I rolled the dice. Bad idea :eyebrows::toke:
This first run shows all the signs of improperly aged soil. stunting, yellowing, ph swings rapid growth, then deficiencies.. all from too much of one thing and not enough of another.. Not because its not in there, but because the soil is in chaos. Next run should improve drastically :shrug:
General rule of thumb: never use straight ffof from the bag unless you know how old it is. There should be a date on the damn bag!
This is the best possible use I can think of for Recharge. Soil that has dehydrated, been abused in storage. Get it thoroughly wet, add a good dose of recharge and let it sit for a week or two. Keep it field moist. It should be good to go after that.

Thank you buddy. I’ve not been myself. After this past year trying to rule out things it’s back to what might be Crohn’s but in small intestine. I’ve been on a trial of steroids which made me feel good for a week just tapering off and I’m back to sick again.

Damn Bushy that sucks. I have IBS-C and Gluten intolerance probably Crohn's based on markers in my blood and stool. You can learn to live with it. There are so many good GF products and flour and baking substitutes. Your whole house has to be gluten free because cross contamination can put you down.

You are not going to believe how good you can feel if you eliminate all sources of gluten if it ids Crohn's.

Im feeling pretty hopeless guys. Im having trouble holding on
That is what it is like at the bottom, it sucks the life right out of you - if you let it.
Its been 2 years, no good meals, no sex, no fun, no life no money, no human interaction. Nothing to look forward to, no quality of life n no reason to wake up in the morning. All things considered Ive been doin my best
I am going to be 73 and I am going to guess I had at least 5 years in three separate episodes of tough times where I felt quite useless and alone. I got past it because I chose to.

No good meals!!!!!!!, I post recipes and food all the time, learn to cook. Sex, fun, money, human interaction, you must seek these things. A great place to start is a park, go sit on a bench and simply observe all of the life around you. Take your shoes off and place your feet on the earth. Do this daily until you reconnect with nature. From there the others will follow.

Don't forget to smoke grass while on the grass.