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Good Evening everyone! I was curious, does anyone put their plants in a dark period before chopping? And if so how long and any noticeable differences between no dark period?
Skip it they can have darkness when there drying. Also I believe you run the risk for budrot while giving the plants a dark period and their still transpiring
Moisture, cool temps and the lack fresh air and a lack of moving airflow, are what will cause bud rot.
The lack of light not so much, although UV is a sterilizer.
Most lights don't produce sufficient amount of UV to have any real sterilizing effect and will only sterilize the parts of the plant that get that direct light.
Good airflow, with an air movement fan, paired with plenty of fresh air (adequate extraction), to replace the oxygen depleted air, with the removal of excess moisture, will do the job of keeping mold at bay.
Plants transpire in both light and dark periods, however, they transpire at a much lower rate in the dark period.
In topped plants, the canopy can get very dense, effectively stopping good air circulation around the plant, lolly popping and defoliating and having a small fan in the understory, will also help and will also help prevent issues with powdery mildew etc.
Hot air holds more water than cold air, so often a tent in a cold room or a grow space with solid masonry walls, like a built in cupboard grow space, you will find can cause condensation to occur on the tent walls/masonry walls, at lights out.
Winter is a bad time for condensation on walls, as the hot humid air will condensate on those cold surfaces.
Again adequate extraction and good air flow will help get rid of that excess moisture, along with good canopy maintenance and good hygiene practices, such as getting rid of dead leaves (especially dead leaves on the plant) which can absorb moisture at lights out, which can then get moldy, which can and will spread to the buds.
24 hour light will keeps temps even but you will have less terpenes, as the volatile terpenes and essential oils will evaporate.
24 hours of darkness, may stop those terpenes and essential oils from evaporating but it will also halt the production of new terpenes and essential oils.
Short daily periods of supplemental UV with a dedicated UV light, coupled with a good dark period, will give you better terpenes, as will having a good feeding program, making sure all micronutrient are given and which are further utilized, with the addition beneficial bacteria and mycorrhizal fungi, which helps the break down and transport of those nutrients.
Extended dark period are of no benefit in the production of resin glands or terpenes.
A balance of light and dark, correct humidity levels, intermittent UV light, good hygiene, correct amount of air circulation around the and through the plant and canopy, good air & moisture extraction, correct feeding and good root zone health in the correct temperature range, is a good recipe for healthy plants with flavorful buds and which should also give you rot free buds.
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