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Afternoon my friend :d5: I look forward to seeing you grow them…

How’s it going?:pass:
I think I developed some kind of allergy. Chest and nasal congestion started after I cut grass for an hour with the 36" walk-behind mower a couple of weeks ago, then roto-tilled a 30x40 back yard. It got better while I was in Virginia for 4 days, and started back up when I got back to Buffalo. Maybe I'm allergic to Buffalo. This week I wore a cartridge respirator to cut the grass. Yesterday and today I vaped quick-dried bud I knocked off the Twenty20 ChicLit Auto (in the Arizer Solo dry bud vaporizer) and my symptoms went away for a few hours. At least that confirms that I'm not becoming allergic to ganja!! I should have plenty of ChicLit for a while from these 2 plants, both on day 86 above ground, one almost ready to jar, the other might be ready to hang in a couple of weeks. If ChicLit is the cure I'm golden. Howzit with you?
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