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Hey y'all! Good mid-morning coffee break time. Looking like a rainy stormy weekend here. Outdoor plans getting cx'd at the moment. Maybe it's time to try out this growing hobby finally.
You know what they say. When life gives you rain.........grow cannabis!
:pass: :smokeit:
….thinking these will be the next four beans I pop :headbang:
So if I start a seed should I make a thread in the new growers section? I see a lot of grow threads but is it ok to start my own or do I need an approval from moderators? I've been on a few forums and I know there are sometimes unspoken rules.

That’s where to do it either there or indoor/outdoor section or sometimes folks even to do them in the specific breeders section. :pass:
So if I start a seed should I make a thread in the new growers section?

:yeahthat: no approval needed....jus give it a catchy name, fire it up & ur off to the racez! :yay: :thumbsup: ppp
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