Good Morfnoevight All! EO'n'Dabs.
I have been doing a lot of work on the MOG Mistry House, I just pass out in my chair at night (with the help of dabs of course) but I am tired.
We have this one odd shaped piece of dirt in the court yard. It had a beautiful variegated lemon tree but it go a disease from the soil and died after only 6 years. The spores that cause it live a long time in the soil, so we call it the toxic waste zone. It is also the last patch of baron dirt on our lot so stuff gets dumped there as a mater of convenience. Wow it is ugly and Ms. MOG says it must be dealt with this year. I would like to put a deck there but the shape makes me think people would fall off it. I want to keep it dirt to water the Japanese Maple. So the obvious choice is grass. I have resisted because it is an odd shape to mow and I didn't own a string trimmer to get into the corners. I have decided to put a cement curb and plant grass. I also bought a Worx String trimmer.
@Frankthetank ...

Got a new to Lidl cut of beef.... cooked it yesterday......

...10 minutes roast 160...then 5 mins grill 400 to brown it up.. 6 minutes rest...
Taste was divine..... but a bit chewy.......any tips for next time............?.....
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Yellow fat on beef really does it for me.........

.... but hubby says he needs his teeth sharpened..........
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if I had a penny for everytime I did that I'd be rich...
@Mañ'O'Green mentioned making a meal for the June birthday girls the other day......

...and I'm like it June already......,
It is so hot outdoors here in June that the girls have decided to celebrate in May. It worked because it was perfect outdoors.
I did not like old beef when I could eat it. It was usually a very old milk cow, very tough or stringy. I think just an acquired taste

I have not acquired.
Some things to work with tough cuts of meat. Salt your meat all over and put in the refrigerator overnight, bring out at least 30 minutes before cooking to come up to room temperature. Sprinkle baking soda lightly over both sides, be careful if you can taste it you used too much.
If the taste of Papaya works in your recipe it is a great natural tenderizer and might really pair well with old beef. Use a large fork or skewer to poke the meat all over, put in a ziplock and add the macerated papaya, seal getting out as much air as possible. Refrigerate overnight. Bring to room temperature before cooking. If frying dry well first.
It looks like you cooked it to perfection so just keep doing that as over cooking will make it really tough, more suitable for shoe leather.