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Screenshot 2024-05-20 at 7.01.21 PM.png
I usually spray everything with bleach, dry, spray with antibacterial, dry. Ozone and I'm good. Probably overboard but easy. I do wipe out the flood tray though :pass:
I use DI Wipes, Steramine , and Ozone to clean the tents. And I run a timed Ozone Machine 3 minutes every Hour 24/7 in the lung room.

Lmao i use a $25 raxial booster fan as my intake so not enough power to put a filter on it! ;)
I haven't been using an intake fan, just the exhaust fan. I figure that the air blowing out the exhaust will suck in enough air through my 20"x20" intake filter (a 20x20x1" furnace filter). If my room leaks, I'd rather have negative pressure in there so the leaks suck air in rather than blowing skunky aromas out into the house. The wife complains occasionally about smelling weed in the house. Each time I turn up the exhaust a couple of notches, and comment about "those stoner neighbors must be toking up again." This wife is not a stoner, and doesn't know I'm growing in the basement. Even though I've been growing in the house for 3 years.

I've never grown in a tent, do you have to keep positive pressure in a tent to keep the walls bulged out? The white grate on the left side of the back wall is hiding my filter. I found the grate in a dumpster where they were renovating a big store by the mall. Dumpster Divers Anonymous!
puffed out?
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