Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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FFOF. I did straight ph tap water for 27 days then fed 3ml Bonnie when the bottle said 5ml. Just cause I was nervous the go full strength, but I'm gonna go for it and go full strength on the Clyde. For research purposes :smokeit:
I'll be keeping watch then, cause I do soil myself.
nope no joke cord out the bottom is the "latest and greatest" I didn't screen shot the chat and now I cant find it.. he said he contacted QC and customers were having issue's with "slack in the cord" so they have updated to this design.. At first he thought mine was old and amazon had old stock in there fulfillment centers but that was not the case cord out the bottom is the newest
I'm gonna complain and tell I want the one lil dab has dammit! Well they gotta get rid of the old stock somehow, they probably sensed I was a noob :rofl:
You don't wanna join the group back rub?
May need to go hit the asian massage parlor! :eyebrows::crying:


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