Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Yo my stoner family how has everyone been getting a long. Me still sick matter fact not doing so well. Im hoping to get one more grow in before I depart this earth. Trying treally hard to get my son on here he has just started wanting to learn. BTW here's a couple tunes. Love and miss everyone of you guys for real.

Well done! A lot of work in that.

I took 8 semesters of photography in college with the last two being large format. Large format spoils you, after that all other formats are handicapped. Some of the lenses I got to use were in the 10s of thousands of dollars. The dark room was as big as my house. with all of the B&W and color processing available. We had to pay for our own plates and film so the amount of work was limited because it was expensive. So many times I would go out in the field for the golden half hour, set-up in the dark and never expose a single plate because it just did not happen! I shoot with a Nikon D5600 now but it sucks. I cannot afford the kind of camera my eye wants. :crying:

Large formats are amazing, but a bitch to lug around! Think that's why Ansel Adams always had that station wagon close!

I still got all my old gear, but sold my dark room stuff when I moved from Cali. Have a Mamiya 7 II,Hasselblad 500 C/M, Nikon F5 and quite a few lenses.. Subsidized the habit with wine country landscapes. Had prints and notecards in shops all over Sonoma, Napa, Carmel, etc. Had it pretty good for awhile as a buddy ran a printing company, so I got all the developer and fix for free and a great deal on rolls of film!

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Me too I’ve listen to it all and have gone through about every phase and genre.. in high school it was rap some alternative then after school rock all kinds but I did have a heavy metal phase.. I never listened to country until I work at the tractor dealership and it was a must NO ONE listened to anything but so after 6 years of that it sort of got stuck on me and then once I came to AFN is when the country rap came along thanks @Dabber :toke::rofl::rofl: Now it’s pretty much everything to keep things mixed up.. I never cared for much punk rock or reggae but you have changed me there I have found myself enjoying some of the reggae you post:jointman:
Glad to help :rofl:
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