Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '23

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Mrs. D made it home after 150 days of being in the hospital and rehabbing she still cant walk like she wants tough getting better everyday. Yeah I know its hard for me to believe some of the MONTER plants I've had the pleasure of growing while here. I hope I have 1 more good one in me and hoping to get Jr to do a joint grow for his 1st one here and its all in the works :cooldance:
Wow 150 days, I did 3 days back in January and I think I have PTSD from it. The first 50 hours were on a gurney in the hall of the ER with countless other patients of every description. It was a third world experience. The walk-in clinic ordered an ambulance and sent me directly to the hospital. I thought is was for the big one. For 3 days nobody would tell me shit. They never fed me because of my special dietary needs and I never saw anyone from the kitchen. My wife started bringing me food on the second day or I would have had nothing. It turns out I have a heart irregular beat that is not life threatening at my current level :shrug:Would have been nice to know on day one.
You can take the leaf temperature.

I think I told you before that too much protein caused me to get kidney stones. I have found that I need about 20% of my diet to come from healthy carbs to keep my blood from becoming too acidic. This is what starts the kidney stones to form.

@Frankthetank :biggrin: Different Countries...different health care......:headbang:...I got scolded after kidney stones in Spain....coz the Doc said they are purely down to dehydration......

And....Touch Wood......since then.....if I feel that pain buzz in the back...I drink watter like I'm trying to Drown from the inside.......:help: ....and it has always stopped it.

Also...if you are Prone to is Worth giving yourself a Flush once a year.......:headbang:...Preventative...But.....because of your kidney'd have to check with a Doc....:doc3:


I Recommened them .......:headbang:....
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