Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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If they nest in a safe place i wont kill them. If they nest under my porch pr above my door ways i would have to kill there nest then. But the ones that arent bothering me i just leave them to live there lives.
Shit i replied the same. Lol didnt see your post til after.
Heh no worries brother and good to know we are think the same on the subject.
Although I do get why people are not fans of these buggers, they can be aggressive at times and the sting does hurt, as I can attest from past experience!
Nice to meet you bro!
It really come down to which species of wasp you have, the large yellow jackets can be a pain but there tons of very small wasps such as the Ichneumon wasps , which are parasitoid wasps and lay their eggs inside garden pests to be eaten from the inside out.
If you have ever eaten a fig then you have most probably eaten "Wasps".
Here is a bit from Wikipedia as I just don't remember all the minutiae of the details.
Fig wasps are wasps of the superfamily Chalcidoidea which spend their larval stage inside figs. Most are pollinators but others simply feed off the plant. The non-pollinators belong to several groups within the superfamily Chalcidoidea, while the pollinators are in the family Agaonidae.
If it were not for these wasps we would not have figs, simple as that.

The following I found on a random forum about who knows what but the guy posting the post has no idea how figs work.
It is hilarious what he did though.
IO should mention before I share the post, that the tiny small Figs you see this year, turn into the large figs you see the following year, so don't pick them off!
If your planning planting a Fig tree, here are a couple of tips.
In order for a Fig tre to be productive it needs it roots to be constricted, other wise the tree will just put on loads of foliage!
If you want an easy way to constrict your Fig roots, did a hole and put a old stainless steel washing machine drum in the hole and then plant the Fig in the washing machine drum and back fill the soil.
The roots will stay contained and the holes in the drum allow water to drain away.

Here is the funny post as promised!
I had posted a few days ago about a huge fig that is very productive . The consensus seems to be Brown Turkey . One of the problems with this fig is that it has a large open eye . So as I was picking off the small developing figs that don't have enough time to ripen I thought , hey that would be a way to stop bugs from getting in there so......

It works great ... I think I saw the fig blush...

So he essentially made a butt plug for a Fig, just look at that winking brown eye all filled up! :crying:
Poor little wasp larvae inside their Fig prison!
As mentioned before this tiny Fig is in the balloon knot of the fig and actually, next years crop, not this years unripened Figs, it is just too small.
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I love bees!!!

Wasps SUCK!!!! They DIE if they are homemaking around the house!
I tend to remove the nests but I don't mind that they come to the bird bath for a drink. I've watched them go from flower to flower on my fruit but mostly they seem interested in all of the neighbors' box woods.

Semi related, the perennials for the front bed were delivered today so Sunday will be excavation, laying more pavers (yaaaaaaaaay), and then building, filling, and planting the new bed/s since hubby will be off.
Is this somewhat correct?
5gr of rosin equals roughly 3500mg of cannabinoids.
In making 4 30ml bottles, that would be close to 30mg per 1ml dose.
I'm sure this is vastly stronger than the MCT oil I made with pucs from earlier a few weeks ago.
I'm now infusing olive oil from the pucs from this session of squishing.
This oil will be used with the 5g of rosin. That should elevate it to around 35mg per dose being conservative.
I think that pretty stout for most people. Pretty sure it's stout enough for me.
I came down to that dose based on him telling me he's using 3 droppers when dosing. This should be a little stronger dose with just one dropper.

Is this sound matriculating? :funny: :funny: :funny:

I can't find the vid with him telling another friend about young kids 'matriculating' all over the place at college.:funny:
Wasps are shite in the house, I'll give you that! But in the garden they are top notch as the hunt the pests that much you outdoor plants.
Now when is comes to Japanese Murder hornets, kill them all! A fair few people die from their stings in Japan.
I believe there is an eradication program in the USA, to get rid of these nasty bastards.
They are definitely in Europe and last year they were found for the first time in the UK.
They managed to catch one , put a tracker on it, it flew home , they tracked it and killed the whole nest!
OK Picture time so you can see how big they are
View attachment 1461109
I never kill wasps that are away from the house.
Japanese Murder hornets would get my flamethrower!
I never kill wasps that are away from the house.
Japanese Murder hornets would get my flamethrower!
A man after my own heart!:headbang:
I did realize you didn't like them indoors Bill, I wasn't casting any shade your way! :crying:
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Is this somewhat correct?
5gr of rosin equals roughly 3500mg of cannabinoids.
In making 4 30ml bottles, that would be close to 30mg per 1ml dose.
I'm sure this is vastly stronger than the MCT oil I made with pucs from earlier a few weeks ago.
I'm now infusing olive oil from the pucs from this session of squishing.
This oil will be used with the 5g of rosin. That should elevate it to around 35mg per dose being conservative.
I think that pretty stout for most people. Pretty sure it's stout enough for me.
I came down to that dose based on him telling me he's using 3 droppers when dosing. This should be a little stronger dose with just one dropper.

Is this sound matriculating? :funny: :funny: :funny:

I can't find the vid with him telling another friend about young kids 'matriculating' all over the place at college.:funny:
Sound good Bill, I guess you'll find out after your first dose and you can correct the dose from that if needed!
Good Morfnoevight All.

Good night
And good luck tomorrow

We got the fence done. I am spent.

Did you know I once punched a womble, when I was a kid??
True story!
so there I was at this summer country fair in the 1970's.
And low and behold the wombles were there play thier songs and being thoroughly entertaining but something wasn't right, I could smell a rat!
For those not in the know "Orinoko" was my favorite womble a totally laid back womble if there ever was one!
But wait, what is this, Orinoko's hat had corks on bits of string hanging off his hat, that wasn't right....was it?
Once the wombles had finished their songs, us kido's were allowed to meet the wombles and say hello!
This was amazing, I was about to meet the wombles,so I went straight up to Orinoko and said "hello Orinoko"!
To my surprise he spoke to me in an Ozzie accent, this wasn't right..was it?
He then told me he was Orinoko's Australin cousin, this did not sit well with me, here I was meeting my childhood hero's and just as I was gonna meet my favorite womble, some Ozzie bastard pulled the rug out from under my childhood and then ground my dreams into the ground with his stupid tomfoolery!
Lets just say I wasn't impressed, in fact I was totally pissed off, and that's when my "Will Smith/Chris Rock" moment took place and I punched him in his well padded tummy, shouting "your not Orinoko!!!!
Suddenly before I knew it, it was home time as my farther quick took action, before I went any further!
So the moral of the story is , don't hire Ozzies to play British children's TV characters, or you might just get thumped, whilst at the same time ruining a child's ambition to meet his hero!
I have since met the real Orinoko and he was just as much of a twat but how was I to know aged 7?
They do say never meet your hero's and that I can completely agree with!
Wellington on the other hand, looks like a twat but you couldn't meet a nicer womble, go figure!

Wow @arty zan do you type like 500 words a minute :pass: My answers will always be short and of course they do not always make sense. Dabs you know!

Is this somewhat correct?
5gr of rosin equals roughly 3500mg of cannabinoids.
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