Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '22

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Wasps are shite in the house, I'll give you that! But in the garden they are top notch as the hunt the pests that much you outdoor plants.
Now when is comes to Japanese Murder hornets, kill them all! A fair few people die from their stings in Japan.
I believe there is an eradication program in the USA, to get rid of these nasty bastards.
They are definitely in Europe and last year they were found for the first time in the UK.
They managed to catch one , put a tracker on it, it flew home , they tracked it and killed the whole nest!
OK Picture time so you can see how big they are
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Lmao speaking of photoshop! :rofl:

Asian hornets are some big nasty bastards….

But they ain’t big enough that they could chew a T-bone steak! :yoinks::crying:
For a couple weeks now, i get woken up by sounds of
Is this somewhat correct?
5gr of rosin equals roughly 3500mg of cannabinoids.
In making 4 30ml bottles, that would be close to 30mg per 1ml dose.
I'm sure this is vastly stronger than the MCT oil I made with pucs from earlier a few weeks ago.
I'm now infusing olive oil from the pucs from this session of squishing.
This oil will be used with the 5g of rosin. That should elevate it to around 35mg per dose being conservative.
I think that pretty stout for most people. Pretty sure it's stout enough for me.
I came down to that dose based on him telling me he's using 3 droppers when dosing. This should be a little stronger dose with just one dropper.

Is this sound matriculating? :funny: :funny: :funny:

I can't find the vid with him telling another friend about young kids 'matriculating' all over the place at college.:funny:

ya souns right to me .. and yummy! :thumbsup:
A man after my own heart!:headbang:
I did realize you didn't like them indoors Bill, wasn't casting any shade you way! :crying:
I figured so.
I hit a colony of tiny ground wasps one spring, mowing the runway at the end of my road.
I got whacked MANY times by those little bastards. I barely made it home and if my uncle hadn't been visitin Mom, I wouldn't have made it. First and only time he drove my Mach1. I'm sure glad my Uncle wasn't skurred of the car.
We beat the Texas Highway Patrolman to the hospital by quite a large margin. LOL! He didn't stand a chance when we blew past him doing almost 160mph.:rofl:
He tried to give my Uncle a ticket at the hospital and was being a HUGE prick about it. No one would tell him at the hospital who was driving! He came into my room and bugging me and the doc threw him out!:funny::funny:

As we were leaving, this fool tried to stop me leaving the hospital and give me a ticket. I finally said to the idiot, "You go ahead and write that damn ticket for one or both of us! I'll be there in front of Judge Thompson as you testify that you can swear it was one of us driving when you testify that we blew past you sitting still at 160mph. He's gonna kick your retardedass out of his court and he'll prolly get you transferred to the Valley or some long stretch in the Panhandle!"
We just walked off.:funny:
I didn't have to tell him that I knew the Judge and actually help him mod the Mach1 he bought for his Grandson. Mine was an 03 and he bought his Grandson an 04.:biggrin:
Lmao speaking of photoshop! :rofl:

Asian hornets are some big nasty bastards….

But they ain’t big enough that they could chew a T-bone steak! :yoinks::crying:
If Asian hornets were that big screw getting stung…..

You’d have to worry 1 might fly off with a pet or a small child! :nono: :rofl:
Lmao speaking of photoshop! :rofl:

Asian hornets are some big nasty bastards….

But they ain’t big enough that they could chew a T-bone steak! :yoinks::crying:
Yeah it did look a little too big, most are at least half this size!
I must admit I did go straight to the mac daddy picture lol!
Is this somewhat correct?
5gr of rosin equals roughly 3500mg of cannabinoids.
In making 4 30ml bottles, that would be close to 30mg per 1ml dose.
I'm sure this is vastly stronger than the MCT oil I made with pucs from earlier a few weeks ago.
I'm now infusing olive oil from the pucs from this session of squishing.
This oil will be used with the 5g of rosin. That should elevate it to around 35mg per dose being conservative.
I think that pretty stout for most people. Pretty sure it's stout enough for me.
I came down to that dose based on him telling me he's using 3 droppers when dosing. This should be a little stronger dose with just one dropper.

Is this sound matriculating? :funny: :funny: :funny:

I can't find the vid with him telling another friend about young kids 'matriculating' all over the place at college.:funny:
I have to recalculate. I didn't count the rosin I had in the freezer getting cold along with my marble slab. It was some of the flower rosin I had decarbed and it was a bit difficult to collect from the parchment to weigh it.
The amount is 6.32g to use. So that's 4,424mg.
That means it's 5 bottles or 150 doses at almost 30mg(29.493333) per dose without taking the base oil I'm infusing at the moment into consideration. That will be another bottle and each dose still well over 30mg per dose.
That's 5 months of potential good sleep for me. LOL! I'm gonna have to do this for myself! LOL!
Good Morfnoevight All.

We got the fence done. I am spent.

Wow @arty zan do you type like 500 words a minute :pass: My answers will always be short and of course they do not always make sense. Dabs you know!

LMAO :rofl:
Yup I am a pretty fast typer and also a dyslexic, so I have to word check constantly.
I am what is called a "Reader" dysleic as opposed to being a "Writer" dyslexic".
This means I read fine but have problems with various aspects of putting my thoughts down because my head is faster than my ability to write , so in order to make thing easier I have learned to type faster! But I then miss letters, plurals & insert the wrong letters etc.
If I didn't correct, syntax , spelling and various other things , what I was writing, to some extent wouldn't make much sense or just be a bit screwy!
However I do have a brain like a sponge, which just soaks up knowledge, I then have to write that knowledge out because my brain won't let me just write short sentences.
I must admit I do love sharing knowledge and I constantly research things,I am interested in.
I am also happy to admit my ignorance in things I don't know about, this allows the ability to learn new knowledge, to happen because i am not hiding my ignorance!
So I am a bit of a brainiac in some regards and a dumbo in others but that just the way I roll and I like it!
It is poor Mossy I feel sorry for, when I was on the staff, I often worked with Mossy in LS and I would literally write her PM's the size of a small pamphlet!
There are other staff members, who also know this to be true, however when I do, it is always with the forums and it's members in my mind,, I have always tried to do my best for them, which can mean a very long message lol!!
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