Sittin in the morning sun........
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#OrgyPots ....

@Mossy, you really know how to set the bar higher . don't you?
Agado is number 3 in the worst UK chart songs ever!!
Like I said you set that bar waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay high, I did a lot of searching and to be honest you almost beat me!!
After many hours of searching, I may have not beaten you in the who can find the worst song but by golly, I reckon I have matched you to a draw!
So here it is..........
BTW do you remember Vic and Bobs "Otis Redding & Marvin Gaye" watchin' tha boots coming in and ganning oot?
Great looking multi pot as well!
Which mad me think of this.............
Pot plants: Officials investigating how flower beds were used to grow MARIJUANA in the middle of the Kazakhstan capital
- Hundreds of marijuana plants found growing in flower beds in Astana City
- Officials cannot explain how the herbs got there, or who planted them
- Gardening firm responsible for maintaining the plant beds being quizzed
- Kazakhstan's climate is ideal for growing drug, which is often found wild
A visitor to Astana City uploaded the first picture, saying they were attracted to the plants by their strange smell before realizing what they were (pictured)
While cannabis is illegal in Kazakhstan the country's climate is ideal for growing the herb, meaning huge crops can be found in the wild, making effective policing extremely difficult
The Chu Valley, which covers an area twice the size of France, is riddled with the plants.
While consumption and dealing is illegal in the country, the ready availability of the drug makes it almost impossible to police effectively.
In summer last year cannabis was also pictured growing in central London after protesters from Free the Birds group planted them there in protest.