In Europe we are going to get slapped with rocketing electric bills.....son...single abode with light electrical useage has been told his direct debit payments will rise from £40 per £240 per month......
Waiting to hear what happens here in Spain where aircon is more essential....
Solar, solar, solar.
Year on year solar panels are getting cheaper and you live in the land of the sun.
Spain gets 70% of it's power needs from abroad!!!
In Spain only 14% of power is generated from renewables, whereas the UK has 39.9% renewable power generation!
So don't delay, start checking out aliexpress today for those solar deals, today!
Aircon LMAO yup that's gonna go bye bye for many people or they will just have to pay up.... seems there will be the return of the "wet towel on the head" cooling system.
However sticking a wet towel on your head really works wonders, have you still got that paddling pool with the floating ashtray, maybe it is time to get it blown up!
There is always Espana Verde, up t' north, ocean breezes sweeping up off the Atlantic, green hills and mountains and plenty of snow come winter!
It's the secret Spain no one really knows It's also cheap as chips (well chips used to be cheap before the fertilizer price went up and the lack of chip oil mean the price has sky rocketed)! So the new saying is "as expensive as chips" Harry Ramsden won't be happy!
You know in Asturias the property is a quarter of prices else where in Spain!
For me Espana Verde is like the Spanish version of Scotland and they even play bag pipes too!
Not exactly the Royal Dragoons at the Edinburgh Tattoo is it? But a jolly good go, none the less!
Now let's see how it's done properly, with a bit of ooph!
However on the other hand the Spanish have better food, Tapas vs porridge, I know which one I'd choose and it isn't a bowl of soggy wet oats!
I reckon the the cheapest option is buy a box of stethoscopes, they have some weird scientific ability to always be cold in my experience, obviously they are just for home use, no one wants to walk down the street covered in stethoscopes, you might get mugged for them by an overly hot Spaniard!
Here we see the home cooling stethoscope system, just plug in your super cool stethoscope into the home cooling unit and just like magic, your home becomes a comfortable ambient temperature!