Good morfnoevight All you hump day stoners! Burn one with me
The new AC compressor on the truck works so well all of California dropped 50 degrees

I haven't used it since installed as we go through some weird cold weather here. The idle problem was caused by two things. The AC idle up circuit vacuum lines were crossed and the electric actuator vacuum valve was clogged. The pickup is now fully restored to 100% functional. I used 95% original Manufacturer Parts some others simply are not made or available now.
Mushroom Compost is a good base for soil depending on the kind of compost. Wood only types will be like a hydro media. The ones with rice hulls and all manor of grains would be better mixed with some peat and treated like soil. We used to get 40 yard truck loads of both types that we mixed with Forest Compost for flower pots at the green house. It was 1/10th the price of the forest compost. It worked great.