Live Stoners Live Stoner Chat - Apr-Jun '21

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Funny, when my left eye gets droopy I looks like I'm f&*d up but it's just my sugar levels are high. At least I don't have to spend $$$ on blood strips

My left eye droops when my nerve pain is going to kick off........:headbang:...hubby spots it before I do......

Something to do with the nerve block treatment I was given....a sign they got the right nerve bundle is if the eye lid droops and the white goes red....:pass:
The irony was out there slapping everyone in the face. The beef was from a Stretch Black Angus bred to a F1 SimBra. That was a fantastic steer! He got very big very quickly and dressed out very well. The whole carcass was aged 45 days. 5% quality of beef.
That was one of the last I hand raised. I wished I'd found that combo long ago.

@Mossy . :crying:

@WildBill you would luv the royal Welsh show mate. They have a breeders class for beef cattle and every year it was my fave . Some of those cattle were huge . Is it legal for breeders to use steroids then ? No way were some of those cows breed on just grass :crying:
When the Old Twerp moved in next door he was over taking about steak and he said his Top Chef friend says you cannot cook a thick have to Butterfly it.... :pass: ....I'd Shoot a chef that butterflied a thick steak....:shooty:...he's not a flaming Chef....IMO......
Same for me ... But i got a flash of what was coming before it went black

I think i'm comfortable sipping it! ^_^

Me Too @blue ...... :pass: Know..we haven't Used the Naughty Step this year.......we could probably do with the Practice.........:eyebrows:
Link below;

Mike is a meat head, but I've always liked him. His single minded focus to destroy his opponents was almost instantly turned off once the job was done. He went off the rails, drove his life into the gutter and has managed to come out of it with self effacing humour and has grown wiser.

My experience with psilocybin is also very positive and, in my opinion, an essential ingredient in a mental health plan for those suffering mild depression and anxiety.

I said in my introduction thread MJ is a band aid that alleviates symptoms, psilocybin is the therapist and re-builder.
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