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Oh & HydroGrow's prices included the shipping.. The only other thing I paid over the initial price of the panels was the import duty.. Here in the uk it was about £30-£35 for all 4... But it was stated on the invoice on the boxs that contents were worth much less than I paid.... Suppose they weren't lying :rofl:

I must hoke out my receipt to see where my HydroGrow panels were made... No doubt it'll be Bysen/Baiseng...

Got an email from bsled re, spectrum ratio...
660 nm x 60
640 nm x 24
470 nm x 12
440 nm x 12
740 nm x 12

Cost including delivery @ 220 euros...
210w model similar to penetrator 126x.(1/4 price )
I would have some reservation ordering from China and would appreciate any input.
this is not directed at any company, or purchase location, or individual! buyer beware!:peace: i can make claims that say whatever i want, will it be true???:shrug:all the manu's claim there panel is best, go by result's rather than claim's by any company or any individual who claims there panel is better
and they paid half the cost! be careful! and take a close:scope:look.
this is not directed at any company, or purchase location, or individual! buyer beware!:peace: i can make claims that say whatever i want, will it be true???:shrug:all the manu's claim there panel is best, go by result's rather than claim's by any company or any individual who claims there panel is better
and they paid half the cost! be careful! and take a close:scope:look.

Agreed bro....plenty of investigation required...
I'm dubious about the the IR spectrum 740nm in these/my panels.. As I can see it.. It is visible to the human eye... It's a very dull red but visible nonetheless... True IR is invisible to us human folk.. Not complaining as my results are getting good but I'm dubious..

Just saying...
So many questions Kush... Also going to chat with GN.... And have to consider temps too....
It may take some time to make a decision..
Hey Duggy don't get me wrong bro they're kickass lights.. Just can't understand why IR is visible... I got email from Bysen this morn about prices so I asked that IR question in my reply.. Lets see what they say eh...

Prices for x2 model? or x3...
They sent x2 prices... This was before they knew I already had my own panels... I didn't ask for the price list they just sent it.. I did email them the other day asking if their panels & HydroGrow's panels were one in the same.... They said yes...

I've requested the x3 price list now as well.. They seem to want to push their Helios & UFO-4 range at me though.. :group:
Kush, how do the 84x and GN compare...
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