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Cant be soon enough :pass: I need a new light for the other side of my cab but i might just buy the new tasty with gen 7 vero 29 c.
I was chatting with TASTY here is what he has coming up
  1. @Tasty I am just blown away with this light. The production of my seedlings under it are all way ahead of anything else in my tent. I am a true beleiver in cree technology and high end drivers. If you can explain in laymens terms why you chose running of 2100ma instead of 1400ma so that the regular Joe can understand. Why they should chose your light over others. Plus could you give us the skinny on what your new lights are going to run and why? Thank you @Tasty
    Hi Fairlynew,

    2100ma provides 50% efficiency from the emitters which was my original minimum target for a higher end retail lamp. 1400ma is more efficient (56%) but costs more to get the same light levels. At 50% efficiency I've been able to provide good efficiency at a good price for a lamp that provides excellent output in the target area. I have offered 1400ma options and they have sold well, but 2100ma has been the most in demand.

    The new lamps (T2-4) will be standard 57% emitter efficiency, while also using a 3000K 80CRI spectrum. This bumps the red ratio up a bit while also increases the photon count (57% efficient 3000K = more photons than 57% 3500K). Also 3000K 80CRI provides a bit more red without bumping up the IR output so the stretch under 3000K 80CRI will be no different than under 3500K 80CRI. This means the 3000K spectrum will still be full cycle and makes an excellent veg or flower light source. Because I'm hitting the light levels I like in the target areas I decided rather than just bump up the output, decreasing the electrical use was a good plan. The new lamps will use about 10% less energy and provide 5% more light. Should have them hitting the website in about a week. Lots of people asking about them so I'm not sure how the stock will look and I will be scrambling to start another batch. Doing all the manufacturing myself was a good deal at first but it's become something that's holding me back, so I will be working this new year to get some 3rd party manufacturing involved, hopefully without changing the build. If I do end up changing the build it will still need to provide the performance I expect and the components will remain top notch. IMO fairly new's no vendor out there comes close to his price point period 670.00 US for a 335 watt true watts of Cree with the best of everything You do not see to many lights with an aluminum case and his heat sink is OVERKILL for sure.
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300 watt Chinese light 15 day old plants three of them not bad for the so called BLURPLE light with 140 watts of what some call the most useless light out there. It is going on 27 months old and still firing out the plants. This light does not even have a heat sink my two other newer 300 watt models same light do but it is still going strong and just fans for cooling. I sure as heck will never feel I got a raw deal with my first round with leds ever. As I have said as they burn out I will replace them with citizen cobs for sure. If money is tight two of these lights at around 140 US for a pair will grow you pounds of weed in a year period. My chinese COB grew some of the biggest Think different and auto extreme that DP ever has seen. This gets so old too. If you can afford a 1500 dollar 500 watt cree light go for it but if you have children to raise Bills coming out your wazoo and want to get growing choose a cheap Chinese lights the only thing I would never entertain is a Chinese 5 watt led light. I would go no more than three watts. Look at what Seymour buds grew back a few years ago with 1 watt led grow lights Unreal size and weight. The reason I am showing these pictures is to let people know that on a budget and can only afford Chinese lights this is what they are capable of they were all made by popular grow my lights and are available on E-bay they have warehouses in the US and Canada. This is just a few I have grown hundreds of plants at least two hundred and not once can I ever remember being disappointed.
I have grown some nice plants with those lights .. and for any new grower or experienced one those will get the job done well
This is a led direct from china thread not a convert to a DIY thread. BiG SmO I wish you would remember that. Not everyone is going to want to DIY and I know watts do not actually mean watts and you are spending money on heat and so on. You show me where I can get a Cree built light with meanwell drivers pushing 140 watts made for 70 US. I am talking pre built lights. If you have the time or the ability to DIY go for it but time is money and some people just do not have the time or the desire to build a light. Is that not a fair assesment
How the hell am I bossing you around. I just do not and will not ever agree with you. What thread are we in LEDS DIRECT FROM CHINA you have come in to this thread trying to convert everyone to DIY well I just said start your own thread on why not to buy led lights direct from china. This is you trying to get pay back for getting ripped off so badly by KIND so now everyone has to learn how to build there own is that now your mission in life and yes we have gone through this before. I am tired of you making people feel like there is no other way other than yours. I earned my spot by helping a lot of people grow great weed by the way and get my fair share of PMs.
I say they work fine I ran morsen 900 with a 250w draw x2 and blurple as did the beast they grow big buds.

And I sold them to some punk pilot for his grow @ $500 per... I paid 250 for both and was refunded 100 from amazon because they bullshit on watts lol :pass:

I dont know about anyone else but i made money on mine like a boss:woody:
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@Fairlynew my 1400 costs $40 more than 2100 as it has more cobs but is driven @ lower amps so puts out more par watts greater efficiency .

my closet costs like $8.40 a month @ 180kwh 24/7
"and with that, the sneaky tiger snuck in sneaky-like into the thread, his sneakiness knowing no bounds other than hiding from it's own sneakiness. As he locked the thread, he knew that it was a matter of intelligent guys having a differing of opinion and/or a lack of not enough turkey/gravy on this most epic of days, regardless of nation. Knowing these two gentleman are two stand-up guys, the tiger knew it was just a matter of taking a breather and a cool off, coming to grips, hashing it out, and maybe ending with a bro-hug. With a simple click of the mouse, the tiger leaves to dart up the stairs to his most bodaciously hot wife, only to finish off the most joyously cold beer left in the 6 pack."

Merry Thanksgiving to all, and to all a good night! :hump:

(you fucking guys)

:hump: :bighug::bighug::bighug: :hump:

:rofl: Let's take a breather. Jeebus eh-chuh Lurdy. :cheers: 24 hour minimum cool down.
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