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and when they burn,you can always replace it with cree cobs.. win win situation..
If it burns out lol the light works and works great simple as that. Is Cree better and more efficient yes but that light above has been through hell and back and going on its third year if operation at 24 hours a day and I have grown huge ass plants with it. You are so right to if it burns out I will DIY it. But for the money it is a great light to begin with or if money is tight. Do you want to know I was into the hps scene had thousands of watts of power and I never grew plants as big as I did with that light. Is there complete crap from china HELL YEA has some people gotten ripped off for sure but i have not i love that light and the weed it grows no fancy math will change that fact. Have a great day
You are right,and Big sm0. is right too.. I had pimped chinese light qnd it worked nice,but inover paid it.. i think cheap chinese leds are great cos wit minimum diy you can replace blurple with cobs...
You are right,and Big sm0. is right too.. I had pimped chinese light qnd it worked nice,but inover paid it.. i think cheap chinese leds are great cos wit minimum diy you can replace blurple with cobs...

You realise cobs can be blurple too though right?

I have no issues with my Mars 700, it works well has had no issues and performs as well as my Budmaster that cost twice as much.

I'm currently looking at upgrading my GrowNorthern light by replacing the epileds to Osram or Philips Rebel.

These are still Blurple but will perform just as well as 'white' cobs.

To be honest at the same wattage I haven't seen anything to suggest the Epileds don't already perform as well as chip on board.

Also what I like about standard LED's is that if one dies, you replace one.

Although I have no idea about efficiency, plants grown under the 180w GrowNorthern usually produce at least 1g per 1w, which is very good for a 3 year old 'blurple'
I feel wjat are hou ssying,i had one chinese blurple light,andd one cob 3070 light. 1g/w is great result..
If you put a epistar blurple light in a sphere and get the readings and compare them to a 12$ cob you will be amazed.

All Im saying is if 22% of every watt is light then I don't care if it's lasts 30 years. That's a real number from a real integrated sphere from the university of Texas. 22% still grows dank don't get me wrong. I can only imagine the numbers on cheaper lights since these came from one of the most expensive.

I have actually been turned off on Cree lately with the recent discovery of citizen. Just a little more for a lot less money. Both still rock the house.
I feel wjat are hou ssying,i had one chinese blurple light,andd one cob 3070 light. 1g/w is great result..
1gpw on blurple is amazing. It really means your doing stuff right if you ask me. It's like running a 6min mile with a broken leg lol.
Cant be soon enough :pass: I need a new light for the other side of my cab but i might just buy the new tasty with gen 7 vero 29 c.
There are some nice discounts in the banners...
Cant be soon enough :pass: I need a new light for the other side of my cab but i might just buy the new tasty with gen 7 vero 29 c.
Tasty makes nice lights. I personally like amare the best with the enhanced spectrum cobs. 20% off afn discount as well
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