Indoor L3V3R'S Pakistan Ryder DWC

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Speaking Of nutes When? And How much?

According to AN you don't start using the sensi grow A&B until the first 4 sets of true leaves have developed. In their own words

" Don’t start feeding nutrients to rooting clones or seedlings such as the 2 part Sensi A & B (Grow) until they develop 3 or 4 sets of new/true leaves.

Until they develop 3 or 4 sets of new (clones)/true (seedlings) leaves feed them only water. You can foliar spray them with Jumpstart, use application rate suggested on the bottle or 1/4 strength B-52 (1 mL/liter) until then. You can also add 1/4 strength applications of Piranha, Tarantula and Voodoo Juice, to the water that you will use in the root zone.

Clones seedlings need high levels of moisture in the medium (80% -85% is good 100% is too much)

The also like a warmer environment in the root zone 70 F – 80 F.

Entering the Vegetative stage, Use the Rooted Clones / Seedlings schedule in the nutrient calculator for the first two weeks of feeding)

Week 1

At 3 or 4 sets of new leaves mix nutrient solution at 300 ppm

Week 2

Mix nutrient solution at 600 ppm

Switch to Vegetative Stage feeding schedule if you are going to vegetate the plants longer than two weeks, the calculator goes up to another 8 weeks (you don’t need to veg the whole 8 weeks).

Week 3 is Week 1 on the vegetative chart

Mix nutrient solution at 600 - 900 ppm depending on size

Week 4

Mix nutrient solution at 900 -1200 ppm depending on size

Follow chart for additional weeks as required

When entering the Bloom Stage follow the medium feeding strength. (If growing indoors the bloom stage starts when the lights are switched to twelve hours of darkness and twelve hour of light).

Week 1- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1000 ppm

Week 2 - mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1200 ppm

Week 3- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1400 ppm

Week 4- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1600 ppm

Week 5- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1400 ppm

Week 6- mix nutrient solution including supplements at 1200 ppm

Week 7- Flush"

looking good mate! i have a dumb question, i already know the answer but i will ask anyway..........that is a fem seed?

Yes she is a fem seed :head:
Alright so i just went out to check on pH and temps and my pH spiked up to 7.0 everything else was the same so I just pH'd it back down to 5.7 I hope I did the right thing.
Yep. Now do that everyday, twice a day for two years x2 or 4 and you will see why I gave it up for the most part.

Now rwdc that's something I have been wrapping my head around lately.
Yeah the pH perfect should help out allot as soon as I can get some in there we will see. I got time on my hands I'm not working ATM so I have plenty of time to watch it.
Yup thats what went on with my bucket, had to PH down every day at first, i think its something to do with bicarbonate's in the water attaching them self's to the acids till there used up or something chemically beyond me like that.. :confused:

For me there was this fine line where i had PH'ed down a fair bit then even a tiny tiny tiny drop would drop the PH from 6 to 4.

It does stabilize though.. then there's root zone activity that messes with your PH to look forward to :lol:

once i hit the flower nutes its seems much easier!

i dont know if your using canna rhizotonic as a root stim but that stuff makes the ph go up a lot! i will be trying something different next grow.

Its work, DWC but fun and you have a monster plant to look forward to if you get it right! which you will dude.

not going to post pics on your thread but have a look in my album at my first attempt and in my grow thread at the last plants i grew and you will see why i love it LOL
I also only really had trouble with the veg. Nutes climbing using Floranova. The bloom was very good with ph. Usually a adjustment at the 12 hour mark and I was good to go on the bloom.

Do you have to mix a and b together for the veg? With AN?
Yep there is a a&b for the grow and the bloom. The only thin I have added to the water is general Organics cal/mag I plan on adding some great white @1/4 strength here in a day or 2.
Microbes and DWC? Not this guy. That is beyond my knowledge. It Dosen't even make sense to me.
yeah i was just guessing that great white would work because they say to use tarantula piranha voodoo juice 1/4 stregnth great white is pretty close to the same stuff if I'm not supposed to I won't.