Outdoor Jraven's Alaska Summer 2019


from Southeast Alaska
Jan 16, 2016
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Harvest season variety
Hey friends and fellow growers it's time for another season here.
I'm in the temperate [cool] rainforest on the coast of southeast Alaska at 56N latitude. I'm a commercial fisherman, salmon trolling. and with that and the grow going on at the same time things get interesting! Our summers can be ok or not so good you never know but this spring at any rate seems to be progressing well so I'm inclined to start a little earlier than usual:smoking:
Here's most of the lineup for this year
ALF [HASHTAG]#5[/HASHTAG] and ALF#5 x Asian Haze CBD from @FullDuplex and Mandalorian
Bubba Trouble and the freebies that came with from @Magic which I don't know what it is yet but have confidence it will be good:biggrin:
Brooklyn Sunrise from DP leftover from last year
From Mephisto I have Samsquanch x HBSS and AvT and maybe 24Carat
And from Hybrids from Hell in Denmark I have LEB 27 and Monk, two photoperiod strains that are reputed to finish at higher latitudes. These were recommended by our friend @puffy. These will be outdoor grown when the autos start to take over the greenhouse.
I have some other seeds if it looks like there is room.
Here's my little greenhouse.
This is Store Cat in her usual position she's a good pal.

Here's the sunroom, the houseplants will get moved around to make way for the cannabis and then it will be filled with tomatoes after the plants go to the greenhouse @June 1st. By the way the sunroom is a wonderful thing...you all need one :smoking: :thumbsup:

The seedling cabinet over the stairway. two cobs from @BigSm0 and a fan and a little T5 flourescent.
I did a final mix of my soil...added a microbe tea with some biochar not a lot just wanted to add a little life to it. 120 gallons. I already have seedling soil about ready to roll so not much stopping us now.
Nice nice friend I'm excited!!!! I use those totes to grow an modify the bottoms for worms to enter there awesome I also was thinking of using the lid an cutting a hole in it an letting the plant grow out of it a way to keep the soil moist on a hot day an conserve water but also to protect vital microbes something to I'm curious to how well it would work .