Photoperiod Jon jons gardens

Yeah going through all these packs I have and going on the EU seed finder to find out if there's any pics a little bit information of what I could look at from previous Growers I'm looking at these strawberry diesel seeds that I'd like to start out it's a New York City Diesel crossed with Kyle cushman's Strawberry Cough it sounds like that might be a good start
Breeder on that diesel x cough? That hits right at home for me. I grew up around NYC in the diesel days and I had a friend that ran a growroom for kushman and strawberry cough were the 1st live plants I ever saw and big part of what leads me to things today
My last Outdoor Adventure I was forced during the covid pandemic to move in with some individual that moved to Northern Vermont from Philadelphia Pennsylvania and things went great for the first month I was there I mean I assume now and retrospect that that was because I had given her $3,000 in cash and had about five elbows a really good outdoor on me and see after I've been around her and her boyfriend for as roommates for about 6 weeks started to realize that they were highly dysfunctional and codependent and he was a drinking himself to a level at night at with this Tullamore do s*** or whatever he could get his hands on or I'd wake up in the morning to go take my dog for a walk and he'd be in the bathroom dry heaving but dry heaving for an hour like something I've never I grew up around alcoholics that were functional I've never seen anything like so I don't know but I don't know I never been put through some of the societal weirdo proclivities that people do in other cities and they come here and I didn't even realize that somebody could go down to a courthouse say that they're in fear and for four or five days have somebody removed temporarily from their own place even though they're on the lease so that you can go to court and defend yourself against the faultsness of the charges or whatever the allegations only to find out when you go back home that you've been robbed by said little weasel and then when you go and you try to use any kind of normal Avenue to get your belongings back they want receipts for everything to prove that she didn't do my God no wonder my dad used to put people in trunks I'd never f****** I'm just astounded I'm not used to that we don't I think the worst I ever saw growing up here where people ripping each other off on wdvs Trading Post and then handling it in each other's driveway you know what I mean none of this s*** none of this well how can I steal from this game so we'll try again here and try to avoid any kind of socialization with