Photoperiod Jon jons gardens

Hows everyone today?
I'm good over here man. Just puffing a stogie filled with 2 grams of Grape Gasoline, before work. I have 4 hours until I punch the clock. This is GOOD flower from the dispensary. 60 dollars a 8th is just too much for something we all grow. In between harvests im always screwed :biggrin:. I can't wait for my plants to finish lol. I hope your day is starting off on a good foot.:pass:
Yeah going through all these packs I have and going on the EU seed finder to find out if there's any pics a little bit information of what I could look at from previous Growers I'm looking at these strawberry diesel seeds that I'd like to start out it's a New York City Diesel crossed with Kyle cushman's Strawberry Cough it sounds like that might be a good start
So I've got two packs here that I'm a Little mystified by one of which is pride of Afghanistan which I can't find anywhere information wise on, then I have something called Rude Dog I can't find anything on Rude Dog either
This years line ups
I have a few more packs in deep freeze
Im very open to helping others
Plant is a baby crit romulan
I ordered Top Dog from Harvest Mutual, another one that I would really like to run down that I had a lot of luck with that was something really nice that lasted well in my 10th was Arcata train wreck and I forgot I got it from a collective up in Arcata Northern California like 15 16 years ago and honestly between us I forgot and how I got it and then thirdly I've had my eye on in house genetics Platinum dosey doe anything in-house genetics got from archived seeds that they cross dosey doe with is just you know obviously that archive dosey doe is something to hold on to
Looking at that first picture I see signs of the start of powdery mildew
I'm fresh off work and tired as all get out. I looked at that picture at least 4 times. I must be missing it. Now I am not a spring chicken these old eyes might be deceiving me. I don't see the problem. But you know your plants I assume. Looks tasty, loving your seed collection too.