Photoperiod Jon jons gardens

Guess I missed something here.Your on the friendliest forum on the internet when it comes to cannabis lovers. So if there is an issue here pm me, or holler for a moderator. 99% of people here work to keep this a place where we help each other. But don't just up and quit because something or someone didn't sit well with you. Be part of the solution not part of the problem!
Im def part of the problem lol
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Hi everybody my name is John John I'm a native reminder I've been at this for double-digit years I make mistakes I say stupid things I talk a lot but my heart's on my sleeve and I wear it well. Let's see what we can do here I have no idea what to expect out of this I had a friend of mine that lives out in San Francisco that I've known for 35 years it smokes like a goddamn chimney send me some black Afghani seeds that he claims that there's going to be some golden gems in so we'll see we'll get those plugged away and I've got five packs of other stuff that once I get established October 1st I'm going to allow somebody here in my thread to choose which pack I pop and let him go to fruition. I'm interested and seeing what I can do with this and continuing on here religiously until the wheels fall off so to speak
This concludes my journal full of problems at the friendliest place online!
You have 13 pages of people Supporting ou and your grow...why let someone Spoil that ..................?

You can press the Ignore Button on anyone who gets on your nerves....and you wil Never See another post or mail from them....

Or...if it is someone in your Thread....ask for them to be Reply Banned....that way they cannot See or post in your thread......

You don't Have to tolerate it....... :pass:
13 pages of support!
Interesting perspective
Guess I missed something here.Your on the friendliest forum on the internet when it comes to cannabis lovers. So if there is an issue here pm me, or holler for a moderator. 99% of people here work to keep this a place where we help each other. But don't just up and quit because something or someone didn't sit well with you. Be part of the solution not part of the problem!
I don't remember coming into your thread and leaving stupid comments why are you in mine doing it? Is this mossy's form of support she was talking about earlier? That is a different thing where I'm from and where I was raised that's not support that's antagonization
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This concludes my journal full of problems at the friendliest place online!
I knew all I'd have to do is leave a little bit of crumbs for you and you'd bite immediately thank you for proving my point unequivocally
I wonder if you realize when I go to the elders and the people that I learned to grow from up here and I say you know when I'm bored and I can't get a hold of you guys or I'm trying to interact with these guys none of the awesome the best pot growers and the best gardeners I've ever met in my life they didn't learn any of their s*** from these forums and they most certainly don't go to them to get advice and I came here to just lay my head while I recovered and it's just judgment wait for the Brain Trust of online cannabis forums to place judgment on you and your emotions because you're coming from a place of confusion nope we are all pissing excellence in life why can't you right
Oh come on admins I'm sure you can come up with some half-assed excuse to ban my account come on