Indoor Itisivolution. Paradise loft.

I got pretty close to walking after 3 hours on my todd in an office.

I had a manager who called me 'the maintenance whore' because of constantly selling myself to the highest bidder and hating myself for it! Truth hurts!

it is isn't it?

Mate I've grafted for the same company for 7 years, and I made a lot more money 7 years ago than I do now.

And they're treating us on the tools worse and worse as the business gets bigger and more lucrative.

You're not a whore you're just not a fuking mug like me that actually thinks loyalty will be rewarded..

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Mate I've grafted for the same company for 7 years, and I made a lot more money 7 years ago than I do now.

And they're treating us on the tools worse and worse as the business gets bigger and more lucrative.

You're not a whore you're just not a fuking mug like me that actually thinks loyalty will be rewarded..

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It's finding the balance. The more they pay, the more they want.
Having that gas ticket is like having a bad attitude licence!
Mate I've grafted for the same company for 7 years, and I made a lot more money 7 years ago than I do now.

And they're treating us on the tools worse and worse as the business gets bigger and more lucrative.

You're not a whore you're just not a fuking mug like me that actually thinks loyalty will be rewarded..

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Yup, yup. Saw an amazing documentary yesterday, by a genius! This is the NLP creator (Neuro Linguistics Programming), which is something that has fascinated me since my early 20's.

Definitely worth watching, this is a mind-opening, thought fueling movie.

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This arrived last night.
