New Grower InkAddicts perpetual magical grow garden

I've seen that coloration before - the toxic, spreading malaise on the leaves, I mean. I can tell you what I did to cause it. I had been testing some composted chicken manure on several plants. They grew like crazy during veg and developed the symptoms once they went into flower. I put too much of the chicken poop on them and probably poisoned one with too much nitrogen or something.

If you've already heard or tried this advice, apologies. I would flush the hell out of it, give it a couple of days and feed nutes at 1/4 strength until it recovers. Worry about a happy plant and not so much about yield.

My way of flushing was to take it outside and use the water hose for 20 minutes or so to run a lot of water through it. I've also stuck plants in the shower to flush. Any way you can give it a really good flush.

I have overfed too many plants to count and learned that following the directions on the bottle is too much for half the strains I've grown.
I use composted chicken manure. It’s very alkaline so I mix it 50/50 with dried coffee grounds to balance it, hold moisture better, & make it more susceptible to biology.
We use quite a bit on all sorts of plants. I’m currently down to just over 5-5G buckets full. I need to mix more.
I think I can get this stuff locally. When do you start to add it and what frequency? And do you top dress it and water or do you premix it in the soil?
I use 3 gallon containers and top dress with 1/3 cup every 12-14 days to avoid any deficiencies. I do the first top dress when I start seeing signs of flowering then cut all synthetic nutes. The Down to Earth is also inexpensive to use, I can grow 2 pounds with only $15 worth of fertilizer.
I use composted chicken manure. It’s very alkaline so I mix it 50/50 with dried coffee grounds to balance it, hold moisture better, & make it more susceptible to biology.
We use quite a bit on all sorts of plants. I’m currently down to just over 5-5G buckets full. I need to mix more.
I mixed mine with rice hulls but maybe I should stop by Starbucks. I have a 20 gallon pot full that I go out and water and turn every once in awhile. But I have access to another 100 gallons, easy. I wish I knew people nearby that would come pick some up! Then there's the goat poop. If I could motivate myself I'd never have to buy soil.
I mixed mine with rice hulls but maybe I should stop by Starbucks. I have a 20 gallon pot full that I go out and water and turn every once in awhile. But I have access to another 100 gallons, easy. I wish I knew people nearby that would come pick some up! Then there's the goat poop. If I could motivate myself I'd never have to buy soil.
That would be nice!!!!
I mixed mine with rice hulls but maybe I should stop by Starbucks. I have a 20 gallon pot full that I go out and water and turn every once in awhile. But I have access to another 100 gallons, easy. I wish I knew people nearby that would come pick some up! Then there's the goat poop. If I could motivate myself I'd never have to buy soil.
Ok I'm going to flush them in a tap water has a pH of 10 won't that hurt them? Or can I flush them with that...then end flush with few gallons of phd water
Yes these are similar.. only thing is I don't think I can get those in us...I found them on Amazon says for auto pots I'm using sip...
They work with all kind of systems. In soil or coco or even a mix of both. They just work perfect with autopots as the only thing you normally would have to do with this nutrition line is give plain water. And that's being taken care of the autopot system. I went away for a extended weekend and came back to happy plants :coffee:

Yeah I hear ya. Found the starter kit on Amazon but that's it. And it's 130, ouch.
That's expensive. I checked the BioTabs site and I tried to order a "Starter Pack" and deliver it to the US. The starter pack costs 60€ / 63$, but shipping is indeed 35€ /37$. I'll lay my ear to listen if I can get some information from the people at BioTabs if they have a Stateside distributor. Maybe that way shipping costs can be brought down :thumbsup:
They work with all kind of systems. In soil or coco or even a mix of both. They just work perfect with autopots as the only thing you normally would have to do with this nutrition line is give plain water. And that's being taken care of the autopot system. I went away for a extended weekend and came back to happy plants :coffee:

That's expensive. I checked the BioTabs site and I tried to order a "Starter Pack" and deliver it to the US. The starter pack costs 60€ / 63$, but shipping is indeed 35€ /37$. I'll lay my ear to listen if I can get some information from the people at BioTabs if they have a Stateside distributor. Maybe that way shipping costs can be brought down :thumbsup:
Yeah let me know! I would jump on trying those out in a heartbeat if we could get them locally
Yeah let me know! I would jump on trying those out in a heartbeat if we could get them locally
I would too for sure but way to expensive on Amazon for 2 plants...anyone know about grow dots? The reviews look good... similar to biotabs....they work in the same way plus alot cheaper...I guess I'll start a thread about them after my purchase.....and start a whole run of like 8-10 plants...I'll use grow dots, recharge, and bud explosion in flower that's it...water in the recharge once a week the whole cycle...let's see how this works...I'll use my sips and add 75g each 5 gal sip...I'll let everyone know how it goes.... :greenthumb:
I would too for sure but way to expensive on Amazon for 2 plants...anyone know about grow dots? The reviews look good... similar to biotabs....they work in the same way plus alot cheaper...I guess I'll start a thread about them after my purchase.....and start a whole run of like 8-10 plants...I'll use grow dots, recharge, and bud explosion in flower that's it...water in the recharge once a week the whole cycle...let's see how this works...I'll use my sips and add 75g each 5 gal sip...I'll let everyone know how it goes.... :greenthumb:
Tag me buddy, always interesting to see how it works for ya :cheers: