New Grower InkAddicts perpetual magical grow garden

Cut it down some into branching....the tents humidity is between 66-69%rh I got it set at 60%....update I put a fan on bottom not blowing directly on stalks but just for air flow..... Now it's staying around 54-57%rh.....
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I got lots of yellowing going on...I fed and watered till run off last night.... And run off pH came back 6.5- 6.8 on all three plants in fabric pots... Isn't that good? Why are they yellowing everywhere? I used my tap water after I sat it out for 2 days then added absoric acid and hydroguard plus phd it to 6.7 I checked it after sitting for 2 day open getting oxygen and the pH was still the same...bull shit.. there is no reason this should be happening...I'm following everything to a T and still getting shitty looking plants... I just don't understand...I think it's my soil...they do great through veg stage..but soon as they flower bam super shit smack to the face...I'm top feeding 1/4 cup of dr .earth bloom nutes once a sip buckets I'm feeding 3 g mc and 1 g bud explosion plus 0.5g Epsom salt....
I guess I'll stick to half ro half tap....tap I'll treat and let sit out....I even got water out my sip buckets res and pH in there is 6.72 is this to high? And use my dehumidifier water pH in that is 6.49 ppm of 20...
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Is it getting worse? Once damage is done on the plants it'll never repair the damage especially on leaves. Stems yes but leaves will stay looking bad. Messes with my OCD personally, you can fix the issue but it's going to show till you harvest unless you pull the damaged foliage.
Is it getting worse? Once damage is done on the plants it'll never repair the damage especially on leaves. Stems yes but leaves will stay looking bad. Messes with my OCD personally, you can fix the issue but it's going to show till you harvest unless you pull the damaged foliage.
Ok thanks yes yellowing is getting worse on all of them that are in flower....I pulled water out my res in mi sips and it's 6.72 is that 2 high? Yes I have ocd to so it's driving me
I've seen that coloration before - the toxic, spreading malaise on the leaves, I mean. I can tell you what I did to cause it. I had been testing some composted chicken manure on several plants. They grew like crazy during veg and developed the symptoms once they went into flower. I put too much of the chicken poop on them and probably poisoned one with too much nitrogen or something.

If you've already heard or tried this advice, apologies. I would flush the hell out of it, give it a couple of days and feed nutes at 1/4 strength until it recovers. Worry about a happy plant and not so much about yield.

My way of flushing was to take it outside and use the water hose for 20 minutes or so to run a lot of water through it. I've also stuck plants in the shower to flush. Any way you can give it a really good flush.

I have overfed too many plants to count and learned that following the directions on the bottle is too much for half the strains I've grown.
So I was going to go with the Mars hydro fc6500 now I'm getting the hlg 600 rspec or 650r Diablo series.....also was going to use mc 2 part with several npk products...but I'm getting promoted at my job and won't have a bunch of time to be mixing stuff all I'm going with grow dots and recharge...there is good reviews on those application and done...just watering sounds good to me ....what's y'all perspective??? Thanks...