Lighting HS1, Northern Lights Sensi Seeds, fem photoperiod

Day 51 from 12/12 , some 40 days from first appearance of flowers. Some growers says it takes some 70-80 days in flower if conditions are not perfect like sensi seeds's ones, who says 44-50 days in flower till harvest. My flowers are not big but are still growing in size and not idea jet how many weeks are a front of me till harvest. It is 100% organic grow (hence no need for PH, EC meters in contrast to many who believe those are always must.) so I don't worry about flush, will do it few days before harvest but it is not necessary I think.
Day 51 from 12/12 , some 40 days from first appearance of flowers. Some growers says it takes some 70-80 days in flower if conditions are not perfect like sensi seeds's ones, who says 44-50 days in flower till harvest. My flowers are not big but are still growing in size and not idea jet how many weeks are a front of me till harvest. It is 100% organic grow (hence no need for PH, EC meters in contrast to many who believe those are always must.) so I don't worry about flush, will do it few days before harvest but it is not necessary I think.
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Well, I'm just at the tail end of 2 x N/L autos by Sensi seed. They say it takes 60 to 90 days. In reality, one was harvested on day 98 and the other day 107. I wouldn't be surprised if yours takes just as long.
Well, I'm just at the tail end of 2 x N/L autos by Sensi seed. They say it takes 60 to 90 days. In reality, one was harvested on day 98 and the other day 107. I wouldn't be surprised if yours takes just as long.
Great to know it! I have some questions for you and it is about bud development on your plants. Is there any characteristic you noticed in late budding, do buds tend to grow faster at begin, middle or end of flowering? Until when buds increase in size and mass? And what should give me a sign that it is time to flush (about 1 - 2 weeks before harvest)? Hope you can help about this :)
Great to know it! I have some questions for you and it is about bud development on your plants. Is there any characteristic you noticed in late budding, do buds tend to grow faster at begin, middle or end of flowering? Until when buds increase in size and mass? And what should give me a sign that it is time to flush (about 1 - 2 weeks before harvest)? Hope you can help about this :)
I'm not too experienced, but can tell you that buds develop right up to the very end. Even the last couple of weeks, they are getting fatter and fatter. One of my N/Lights had very dense buds, while the other has been doing a little foxtailing. Do you have a jewellers loupe to watch the trichomes on each bud? When the trichomes start to turn amber is when I start to flush. I grow in coco, so it shouldn't need more than a weeks flush, but most people do 2 wks flush in soil. I actually did two week flush on the plant I'm currentlty harvesting because she was showing Nitrogen toxicity
Day 126, 75 from 12/12
For while now all white hairs are brown but trichomes without showing amber color jet, mainly milky. But after I changes light schedule to 14 hours of darkness vs 10 hours of light, few days ago, a lot of new white hairs showed up all around the buds, I guess plant finally understood I don't have a lot more time to wait :) But the rule is all milky with some amber trichomes, so, I have to wait.
The buds look great @Vlada. Is this your N/lights? One thing I would say about my own N/L by Sensi. Now that I'm smoking her, I probably would've been happier if I had pulled her earlier. Of course, Sensi say 60-90days for N/L, but I pulled mine around day 110. The plant seemed to take ages to turn amber. Can you take a sample bud to try?
The buds look great @Vlada. Is this your N/lights? One thing I would say about my own N/L by Sensi. Now that I'm smoking her, I probably would've been happier if I had pulled her earlier. Of course, Sensi say 60-90days for N/L, but I pulled mine around day 110. The plant seemed to take ages to turn amber. Can you take a sample bud to try?
Thanks for writing. Yes this is mine photoperiod NL ftom Sensi Seeds. I am sampling it and it is nice. Not couch lock effect but nice high and last more than 3 hours. But not jet as narcotic as I expect it to be if grown properly and fully matured. What you don't like about your NL so you wish you harvested it earlier?
Thanks for writing. Yes this is mine photoperiod NL ftom Sensi Seeds. I am sampling it and it is nice. Not couch lock effect but nice high and last more than 3 hours. But not jet as narcotic as I expect it to be if grown properly and fully matured. What you don't like about your NL so you wish you harvested it earlier?
If I smoke her at night, I can fall asleep in front of the telly. She is a nice smoke, although the smell is taking a while to come through in the cure. I grew two. One was 15" and the other was over 2.5ft. The smaller one had a much nicer smoke. Anyway, here's some rep points for the success so far :slap:
Thanks bud buddies!
Slowly getting ready for drying and curing my flowers. I will have some difficulties by the way. Drying need to be done in my closet which have only front door from wood, the rest are walls. Doors need to be shoot down and isolated with tape for some 11 hours par day while I am not at home. All air movement will be inside closet for those 11 hours each day. I will put 1 or 2 cardboard boxes with brown paper bags in them, inside mini grow tent (0,12 m2) located in closet. Fan with carbon filter will be on (some 1/3 or 1/4 of grow tent will be available for air circulation), which has 2 speeds: 140-180m3/h. I am using it at full speed for growth and thinking to leave it at the same speed for drying as cardboard boxes and paper bags will protect flowers from direct air contact. The only problem I face, for those 11 hours when closet doors need to be hermetically closed (sometimes electricity goes away and it will be fatal to leave open doors if that happen, because of smell) are high temperature and humidity. I did some testings with mini dehumidifier and the best I can get is 25-26C (77-79F) with humid around 65%. The good thing is that for the rest 13 hours par day I can have lower temperature and humidity. I have 2 questions at the moment: I don't have available thick brown paper bags but thin ones only so, should I put 2-3 bags inside each other to make them ticker? It is said buds will dry faster in thin bags which I don't want as high temp will anyway speed up the process. And I am a bit confused of a claim that thick bags will dry slower than thin ones as more think paper bag is, more it is able to absorb the moisture and should dry faster. Right? So if it is true, than thin brown paper bags that I have will dry slower and will do better job.
Another question I have: Should I hang paper bags in the cardboard box so they don't actually touch the box (I think this is what Tang says!) or should I just let them at the bottom of the box? In my understanding if bags are laying on the bottom, buds will be in direct contact with thick cardboard and it will speed up the drying which I don't want.
Finally, the last thing I will do is this: I will cut round hole on one side of one of the bags and fix hygrometer in it
(small one used for tobacco boxes). Will use transparent tape to hold hygrometer for bag's wall. I will also cut peace of front side of cardboard box and tape it with transparent tape as well or will put peace of glass. The hole on the box will expose bag with hygrometer to my eyes and perhaps I will have another thermo-hygro meter next to bag (outside the bag, inside the box) so I can moderate temperature inside the box and humidity levels both inside the bags and box, without even need to open the box.
Ah yes, I am also thinking of mixing bigger buds with smaller ones as direct contact between buds of different size will prevent small ones to dry faster as humidity can move from bigger buds to smaller ones. Right? :)
I kind of made science here and some of you may think that I am overthinking but I invested 4 months of time, risk, stress and money in one small plant and I will do my best to get rewarded for it. 25-26C are too high for drying. Last 2 times I had perfect conditions but not this time. Any advice is more than welcome!
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