Lighting HS1, Northern Lights Sensi Seeds, fem photoperiod

She's looking much happier bro and top marks for the training,she will have loads of heads.
Day 48
Never give up!
Not measuring ph in last 4-5 watering, using half strength of bio vega every watering while each time flipping from Mag to Cal, so one watering will be with Magnesium, next one with Calcium. Before watering once per week, slowly decreasing time, last time it was 3 days
Thinking to switch it to 12/12 in some 5 days from now. I would preferably postpone it but it already took long time due to slow initial growth. What do you guys think, should I start flowering in some 5 days or to wait more?
I dont really think its too much nutes (only my opinion), dont know about that rhizotronic..all i can say is i used canna terra professional plus and added guano & rock flour to the soil (on photoperiod strain) because i found the canna soil best to use as a medium to put bio nutes in an cut my own mix (i guess ur soil is pretty much the same but u can check the stats at the canna website) and then i added some stinging nettle liquid manure every to every second watering with tap water (left standing for min.24h).
To make it u have to use fresh stinging nettle like 2/3rds of a bucket and then fill up with water (u can chop up the nettle to make it go little quicker) and leave it standing in a warm, best sunny spot for at least a week, mix it around and when it really getting stinky and u have bubbles the love portion it ready.

In my Opinion self made fertilizer is superior in cost (this liquid manure will cost u 0$) and brings up the really best,
may this helps to get your plant/s get as healthy as can be.

And by the way it makes the weed taste incredible good&strong

Mix the Liquid Manure like 1:10 with water for regular use if u think they need it stronger u can double or triple as well. But always check the reaction
Day 52, Day 1 under 12/12, let see what will happen :) Not correcting ph for while now, time will show if I was wrong
I dont really think its too much nutes (only my opinion), dont know about that rhizotronic..all i can say is i used canna terra professional plus and added guano & rock flour to the soil (on photoperiod strain) because i found the canna soil best to use as a medium to put bio nutes in an cut my own mix (i guess ur soil is pretty much the same but u can check the stats at the canna website) and then i added some stinging nettle liquid manure every to every second watering with tap water (left standing for min.24h).
To make it u have to use fresh stinging nettle like 2/3rds of a bucket and then fill up with water (u can chop up the nettle to make it go little quicker) and leave it standing in a warm, best sunny spot for at least a week, mix it around and when it really getting stinky and u have bubbles the love portion it ready.

In my Opinion self made fertilizer is superior in cost (this liquid manure will cost u 0$) and brings up the really best,
may this helps to get your plant/s get as healthy as can be.

And by the way it makes the weed taste incredible good&strong

Mix the Liquid Manure like 1:10 with water for regular use if u think they need it stronger u can double or triple as well. But always check the reaction

Thanks for advice, it is my 3rd grow and first full organic one (I am looking at it as medicine and those are just first steps in growing and producing real medicine (beside recreational use of course). Previous 2 times I was growing strains with ratio CBD to THC as 1:1 and 2:1, this time I am growing NL because of its less odor as I am at new location and it is extremely small studio as part of complex of more studios, so many neighbors just few meters away from my plant. I have jet to understand what I am doing when I am feeding plants, to learn to communicate with plants, to understands different symptoms, this is all part of long project I have a front of me. What I am much better in is producing medicine from harvested plants, in form of oils or capsules of decarbed cannabis. But this is still just begin of my learning. My 2 best achievements considering medicinal use of cannabis, so far, is my own cure of gastritis from which I suffered for 2 years, after only taking decarbed cannabis in form of capsules for 2 days (I was using it for much longer, every night, but symptoms totally disappear after second tablet. Second achievement, even more important, was when my mother was in visit for 3 days (we live in different countries) and she was taking oil I made from Cannatonic with very little THC and a lot CBD. She suffers from very painful joints and went under some surgeries and waiting for more ones which is what I am tring to avoid for her. Normally she has a lot of pain in her hips and knees when she is standing for a while, walk or do something. While in visit, she was using CBD rich oil but with a bit THC in it, every 8 hours, for 3 days and she was the most of the time on her legs, walking and working (on my request) and she didn't have any pain for 5 days, nor she was high at all. I am growing cannabis because I like it and respect it but mainly I do it because I want to get enough knowledge to be able to help my parents who are getting old and I think this is the best way I can thank them for everything they did for me. I have a lot of obstacles in it, like my location (small island) with no grow shop and corrupt punishable laws in both countries, laws we are all familiar with.
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@Vlada I realy share your opinion! Glad you liked my advise. If you want to know something or diskuss any opinion about organic/biological growing (wich i never made before, i take the raw material an vaporise) or u may want to share knowledge just message me. I try to make something in a way similar to yours, to help my grandparents who take tons of medicine and in my opinion its not helping but poisoning them.
I'm growing 2 x northern lights autos by Sensi seed and your plant looks very similar to one of mine. She became mega bushy and rather stunted, but the other plant exploded at week 4-5 and is now over 2.5ft tall with lots of side branches. I'm not sure if I'd try Sensi seed again. Good luck with your grow
Photos are from yesterday. I had one accident when I was doing something around cables, I unplugged all cables and when plugging them back, I connect wrong cable to timer and HS1 cable straight to electricity outlet. It took me some 5-10 min to notice light are on while plant being in sleeping mode. Hopefully it will not cause some male flowers as it happen only once. We will see.
@Vlada I realy share your opinion! Glad you liked my advise. If you want to know something or diskuss any opinion about organic/biological growing (wich i never made before, i take the raw material an vaporise) or u may want to share knowledge just message me. I try to make something in a way similar to yours, to help my grandparents who take tons of medicine and in my opinion its not helping but poisoning them.
It looks now Bio Canna line works great, I only need to understand what was wrong at first stage of this plant life. Only what I did different form Canna instruction is adjusting PH level with lemon. They recommend not to adjust either PH nor EC when using bio canna line. I have plenty of their earth and nutes so I will use them first, for next few grows, giving me an opportunity to learn to use them on best possible ways. But definitely interested in learning to use home made organic food, tea and compost, in near future hopefully.
About making medicine I will be more than happy to share here my knowledge or private in messages. We can use this diary to also share our knowledge on making medicine and how to use it, something I am very interested in. Here is my first on that subject: best medical cannabis will have THC to CBD proportion close to 1:1 while greater levels of CBD to THC will make it more easier to use with people not familiar with THC effect or when not being supper stoned is preferred. Plants rich in THC are great too of course and science and future will make those things much more clear to us and which proportions and combinations of different cannabis components are best for each of many health conditions. CBD Crew are leading breeders here in Europe when it is about medical cannabis. They have created stable strains with different ratios CBD to THC, from almost pure CBD strains to strains a bit richer in THC than in CBD. But all their strains have CBD over 4% and are cooperating with many other breeders who are now introducing CBD rich strains. They have even created autofem rich in CBD called MED GOM 1.0, first and only autoflower plant rich in CBD that is available on market today. But the story begins with Cannatonic from Resin Seeds as mother of all CBD reach strains. Many well known almost pure CBD strains like ACDC and I think even Charlotte Web are simple clones of Cannatonic phenotype extremely rich in CBD. Cannatonic will usually deliver CBD to THC ration 1:1, but with 25% of chance delivering almost pure CBD plant and another 25% of delivering plant rich in THC. In 50% of all cases it will be 1:1 ratio. CBD Crew took from there and created numerous stable CBD rich strains available in seed form.
Need to disconnect now, next time I could write about what I have found to be good methods of making medicine from dried plants as well what are my concerns in that sphere. Let me know if anybody is interested in this kind of topic.