Lighting HS1, Northern Lights Sensi Seeds, fem photoperiod

It looks now Bio Canna line works great, I only need to understand what was wrong at first stage of this plant life. Only what I did different form Canna instruction is adjusting PH level with lemon. They recommend not to adjust either PH nor EC when using bio canna line. I have plenty of their earth and nutes so I will use them first, for next few grows, giving me an opportunity to learn to use them on best possible ways. But definitely interested in learning to use home made organic food, tea and compost, in near future hopefully.
About making medicine I will be more than happy to share here my knowledge or private in messages. We can use this diary to also share our knowledge on making medicine and how to use it, something I am very interested in. Here is my first on that subject: best medical cannabis will have THC to CBD proportion close to 1:1 while greater levels of CBD to THC will make it more easier to use with people not familiar with THC effect or when not being supper stoned is preferred. Plants rich in THC are great too of course and science and future will make those things much more clear to us and which proportions and combinations of different cannabis components are best for each of many health conditions. CBD Crew are leading breeders here in Europe when it is about medical cannabis. They have created stable strains with different ratios CBD to THC, from almost pure CBD strains to strains a bit richer in THC than in CBD. But all their strains have CBD over 4% and are cooperating with many other breeders who are now introducing CBD rich strains. They have even created autofem rich in CBD called MED GOM 1.0, first and only autoflower plant rich in CBD that is available on market today. But the story begins with Cannatonic from Resin Seeds as mother of all CBD reach strains. Many well known almost pure CBD strains like ACDC and I think even Charlotte Web are simple clones of Cannatonic phenotype extremely rich in CBD. Cannatonic will usually deliver CBD to THC ration 1:1, but with 25% of chance delivering almost pure CBD plant and another 25% of delivering plant rich in THC. In 50% of all cases it will be 1:1 ratio. CBD Crew took from there and created numerous stable CBD rich strains available in seed form.
Need to disconnect now, next time I could write about what I have found to be good methods of making medicine from dried plants as well what are my concerns in that sphere. Let me know if anybody is interested in this kind of topic.

This PH adjustment could have been your problem, i once had the bad experience of adjust PH and it made all plant hermaphrodites, better to leave them if it works, how they say, if it aint broke, dont fix it! I will follow this and watch.
Day 69, Day 18 under 12/12, around Day 8 in F
Plant is now 85cm tall (7 of 14+ branches are between 80 and 85 cm tall, few some 10-15 cm less and one (not the main one) is around 95 but I leaned it a bit just to be at the same level as other 7). Not bad at all. I can see it from now it would be multiple long colas as small buds are forming all the way through branches and there is plenty of light around branches. NL is big bud producer. The foliage at lower part of plant is still very plenty, it will support health of the plant through the whole flowering period. I am using 80 with 80 optical diffuser and I wish I have 60 with 60 one. Plant is still growing 4 cm par day (I switched to 12/12 18 days ago) and I really hope it will stop now as there is no more space if I want to keep HS1 on 20 cm distance. Otherwise I will need to lean multiple branches to be able to keep safe distance starting from tomorrow. Didn't growth in height supposed to end by now? Few days ago I, by stupid mistake, turned lights on and noticed it after 10 min, hope it didn't caused prolonged growth in height and maybe even hermaphrodites. It didn't reverse bud formation so I hope everything will be ok with plant. Very impressed with HS1. Another possibility for plant exploding this much is long veg period. While plant suffered and didn't grow a lot at begin, roots formation never suffered in my opinion. There is a theory that if you grow from seed in bigger pot, plant will focus the whole energy on roots formation (not case with autos, I guess) and plant may be smaller at begin. But my plant definitely had some other issues as well, as some of you pointed it out. On the same level with Clockwork Orange on PH adjustment. It is 100% organic grow and rules are different, soil and feeding doesn't contain any salts.
All in all I didn't, even under best conditions, expect so massive plant for this small space (40 with 40 with 160cm)
Day 75, switched to 12/12 24 days ago, some 14 days from appearance of first flowers. Day 2 of not stretching any more, finally! :) Even with multiple bending of few tallest branches I still got 8 branches at around 93cm height. Not space to grow any taller if I want to keep light distance at 18-20cm. Very sativa appearance I guess. Flowers still forming very slowly. Last watering only with water, the same will be with next watering as I overfeed it last time I feed them. I can see new leafs showing same symptoms plant has at it early stage. New leafs are also darker from what they use to be. As I said, next watering will also go plain and after that will use half dose of BioFlores and BioBoost. Last feeding I used maximum recommended level of BioBoost what, in my opinion, cause overfeeding symptoms. Any opinion on this?
Day 83, day 22 from first budding or 32 from 12/12
Still waiting for opinions/advises! Not sure if flowers are developing well/fast enough. There are many budding spots, some 10 spots on each of 12+ branches without counting few very top ones on each of them. Also not counting very small ones I removed or will remove. I am very pleased with amount of budding spots but I guess plant will not have energy to make them big as it would be the case if there were only few colas and budding spots below them. Will be thankful for any outcome :)
Looks really skinny to me, but just talking the stems, the buds may get fat in the end but the quality should be more important. Maybe to much nutrients like u sai, its like people eat too much they cant really use all that energy and get unhealthy and maybe u sould let the plant chill a few days without nutes and go with half dosage like u saif or 2/3. Sensi seeds tell us its 90% Indica so nothing sativa like u said, and i am sure this buds will develop right with the time, look at this picture and then think about that u only have like half the flowering period gone- so much is still to happen and buds will swell, so it should look like the pic in the end- all over nice indica nuggz. Chill out, dont overfeed, let it hunger a little is better than overfeed, i think it will bee okay in the end. Time will tell :thumbsup:
Since you are new to growing, and don't want to get out the EC/TDS meter, I suggest a simple two part formula. Try General Hydroponics Maxi series, GH Floranova, or Jobe's organic rose 3-5-3. When you try to learn lights, temp, timing, nutrients, watering, etc all at once, you can not tell what is happening. I think part of the lankiness is genetics, and the other is lack of wind. Without the stimulation of those branches by the wind, they grew weak support systems, ie branches. Those buds will get bigger, that is the last stage. Leaf loss and bud swell are saved for the end.
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MHP Masterblend 4-18-38 is my absolute favorite fertilizer for cannabis, vegetables, fruits, and roses. It can be hard to find it tho. It is used with calcium nitrate and Epsom salt to provide a truly complete fertilizer. The Tyler corporation makes it.