Lighting HS1, Northern Lights Sensi Seeds, fem photoperiod

Right, you can give one tablet in a week.
You must change your thinking - "branded" nutes or branded soil is not a miracle, often "original" dosage is way too much. You could grow on virtually all nutes, salts only if you will, mix your own teas. That is ofcourse more difficult, but i say that all "branded" nutes in whole world are nothing but mix of basic elements, in "right" proportions. If you are using them - always start from 50% recommended dosage. Also you grow in soil - take a look to variety of bio suff out there, Canna is only shadow of what good bio stuff could do... Canna Rhizotonic is itself nothing but good humatic tea, but pasterized for longer shelf life... And i would never use any "ready" earth i don't already know or i don't know who had at least couple of success grows..
Day 24 (from the moment seed sprouted out of earth or around 10 days in veg)
I concluded earth is too hot for young plant and it will take some time till plant get stronger and be able to handle it. In worst case I will flush it. I got all the time plant needs so no stress. Next time I will mix the same earth with perlite, perhaps 50 % perlite as suggested on few forums for this earth instead of nothing suggested by CANNA. This morning, as advised by HolyTHC, I watered plant with B complex, ph of water putting down to 6.3 using lemon as organic acid that will not interact with bio terra plus organic earth (advised by CBD Crew). I also tried supercropping by pinching the top stem with fingers and bending it to one side and then to another as way to shorten the plant and stimulate side branches till they reach the central stem. But I guess I was too gentle for it to works so I will go for second option. Plant now looks much better but leafs still didn't develop optimum size.

First photo shows where I did supercropping. It didn't stop further growth of top of central stem. I also removed those 2 ugly leafs, giving more light to side branches.
3rd photo - before removing 2 leafs
4th photo - after removing 2 leafs
Day 26 - before and after bending the plant
Day 31
I have to mention that humidity is around 60% (50-70%) which is far from ideal. In few days will have mini dehumidifier. Slowly progressing but I still assume plant will improve as it get bigger and stronger. Not jet planing to switch to 12/12, couple to few more weeks for sure. Anyway, we can decide together when to switch.
Any advice about Calcium and Magnesium? In last feed with plain water I added complex B, Canna Mono Calcium and Canna Mono Magnesium. I was reading here that HS1 causes Cal and Mag deficiency? How to know if my plant needs it at this stage?
Have you flushed the medium? Looks more like a ph problem than anything. There are several theories on calmag def,some think it's the red in LED grow lights but I've see lots of HPS grown autos with calmag problems too.....I'm more inclined to say it's the long light hrs that cause it,it's also strain dependent.
Have you flushed the medium? Looks more like a ph problem than anything. There are several theories on calmag def,some think it's the red in LED grow lights but I've see lots of HPS grown autos with calmag problems too.....I'm more inclined to say it's the long light hrs that cause it,it's also strain dependent.

Well I do hope it is not ph problem as I don't know how to fix it with this soil. Here is from Bio Canna: "Bio Terra Plus is pH balanced and provides the optimum base for achieving professional results. With Bio Terra Plus the EC and pH value's do not need to be measured. Organic mediums and nutrients are not made of mineral salts but organically bound elements, which are not measurable. The medium has a natural pH which will keep the soil in balance by itself."
It also says if your water ph is above 7.5 you can lower ph only by an organic acid. Regular ph down will mess up with soil. As lemon can only temporally lower ph of water using huge amount of water adjusted by lemon to flush soil may be tricky and also mess with soil natural ph which is around 6.5
Here is another comment I found on one blog by an organic grower: "Organic mixes are notoriously stubborn when it comes to the alteration of their pH, because of their buffering properties. So I wouldn't worry about messing up their pH through watering with high-pH water. Therefore, I believe you wouldn't even need to pH-adjust the water that you are using"
Also in case this earth is too strong for young plant and should be flushed, again, I don't know how to do it and not to mess with its natural ph
Soon I will start to add Bio Vega which is low in ph and adjust my water ph by that way.
Day 38
Few days ago I watered plant with pure water (I always use bottled drinking water which ph is around 8) without adjusting its high ph level. It looks like plant is doing much better. I didn't mention that till around day 10 plant didn't have any visible problem and I didn't bother to regulate high ph level of water I was using. Actually plant showed first problematic symptoms after I started to regulate ph level of water.. I will not correct ph in next watering, it would be more clear to bring any conclusion than.