Lighting HS1, Northern Lights Sensi Seeds, fem photoperiod

I would also look into whether it is best to open the paper bags daily.
TaNg wrote somewhere else it is best not to touch bags for first 3-4 days so smell doesn't evaporate from bags. My first two dryings were in bathroom, with carbon filter and fan in the middle of it and dehumidier on 60%. No holes and door was isolated with tape. Temperatures around 21-22C. Buds were hanging in air. Only difference is that when I dried for first time I will open door one two times per day while second time I closed door when I hang the buds and open again after 5 days. That second time happen buds just to be perfect dried and without need to cure as they smalled wanderful day after I jar them when I opened jars for first time. So while it is important to have air movement seems it is better it to be in an sealed environment
TaNg wrote somewhere else it is best not to touch bags for first 3-4 days so smell doesn't evaporate from bags. My first two dryings were in bathroom, with carbon filter and fan in the middle of it and dehumidier on 60%. No holes and door was isolated with tape. Temperatures around 21-22C. Buds were hanging in air. Only difference is that when I dried for first time I will open door one two times per day while second time I closed door when I hang the buds and open again after 5 days. That second time happen buds just to be perfect dried and without need to cure as they smalled wanderful day after I jar them when I opened jars for first time. So while it is important to have air movement seems it is better it to be in an sealed environment
Yes, you could be right about the sealed environment
Hi everibody. It took me while to write here again, I guess I didn't care so much (shame on me!) and because a bit of stresfull end of my grow.
I already mentioned that this my 3rd grow was in new place, in 15 square meters studio with neighbords living in door to door inline positioned complex of small appartments.
I decided to do paper bag drying method and all harvest proccess supposed to be done in claset dimensions 0.5m with 1.1m and with awailable heigh of 1.7m. Mini grow tent was in the same closet living me 0.5 with some 0.6m to fitt in it together with all harvesting tools, including big cardboard box in which I later hanged paper bags, but at the moment keeping the box over my head so while I was hardly sitting down I literaly couldn't move at all. Very bad decision, as I tryed impossible. Because of high summer temperatures while drying I couldn't just close the closet with its original doors and because I also needed to monitor tem and hum while drying I decided to make new door made of wooden frame with transparent plastic. Doors were made of two parts, one fixed and one being able to open and close. It supposed to be issolated with tape, fix part from outside and movable part from inside while I were inside harvesting, leter on isolated also from outside. Man, was I wrong, I missscalculated that I had shall at top part of closed which I couldn't move and so I couldn't tape movable part of new door at part above the shall. I end up harvesting and trimming as fast as I could (I wish it could be done fast), leaving door closed but not taped, ended up going out of closet multiple times to grab some tools I forget outside as well door opening here and there from me fighting with heat and small space I couldn't fitt in. Terrible! No wonder I didn't manage to take any photo from trimed plant to post here. Nor I had desier to update this blog. I had in my room ona block and even small ozone generator so I hoped it wouldn't be terible smell in room and everywhere in neigborhood. After stresfull harvest, and afterward taping the whole plastic door and even closing original doors over it and taping it as well, making stelth drying conditions with carbon filter and fan making circular air movement with ultra mini dehumidrier, I ended up cleaning the room. The whole proccess was done in one night, from making plastic door and fixing/taping it, and harvest from some 1am till 4-5am. Then I went out to trow smelly garbage with my not less smelly hands. As soon as I opened door, I saw guy on parking few meters away trying to start his scouter. I didn't know him and he soon looked at me for while, I imaging smell hit him. After trowing the garbage and returning back home wave of overpowering brutal smell hitted me and paranoia went to max. It took whole day strong smell to level down. And next few very paranoid days. Evening after harvest somebody actually keeped knocking and trying to open door for good 15 min with small breaks. I believe it has to do with a guy who noticed smell, but luckely it didn't repeat.
Final amount of dry Northern Lights nuggs were close to 60 grams, no bad for 0.16m2 grow space. For sure I could live it for even couple to few more weeks but this plant seemed never to finnish so I needed to cut it down. Nice long lasting high but not knock out smoke. Anti anxiety and mellow. For some my friends a bit to strong for some incuding me just overal very nice smoke. No very noticable smell on buds.
Next time I will perhaps build some 0.25m2 wooden grow box so instead 40 with 40 it will be 50 with 55cm and drying will be done with only switching off lights leaving plant to dry on its own in pot. I will first let it without water untill it starts to suffer and then just swith off the light and make enclosed conditions with controled humidity. Never again will underestimate toxic smell while harvesting.
That being said, I tend to conclude that if plant is left to naturaly dry on its own, while still in earth, smell during drying would be much less noticable and simple living it in tent with fan and carbon filter on would be enough and not big diffetence outside of tent as it is while growing. Am I right? The strongest smell is realised while harvesting, treaming, cutting in peaces, touching and holding buds. Intek and outek of air is inside the room by the way.