Alright @Dudeski @Burr_nit @MorphusDank @BigSm0 @budelee @Discretepete2676 @The Elvis
:pass: Circle the wagons gentleman I'm passing one to the left hand side!

Haze CBD and Industrial Plant CBD @
Day 21 each

Haze CBD

She just got bent over this AM.


Industrial Plant CBD

And Sour Diesel @day 14
Wow, your plants are looking beautiful! Great shots!

Thanks bro! Congrats on finishing your first grow!

Finally I get the first hit. Budelee and Elvis tend to leave them a little wet and sloppy.

Yeeees love to see the training too!

:rofl: Thanks brother!:pass:

The Industrial Plant has responded very well to the fim! I think it looks like the key with autos is to do it while the plant is young and the growth tip is very small. She never noticed and has been growing fast ever since. Since then I've just done lst to spread her out for light penetration and will continue to do so.

The Haze will get training with an eye toward keeping her short. These cobs (even though they are cheap and Chinese) are super intense!