Outdoor High Altitude/Desert Outdoor Organic Grow – Five Indica, One Sativa

Even cinder blocks might help? Our photoperiod garden is lined with them for a three foot wall on the one side. They heat up in the sun during the day and stay warm for a really long time. We have giant ones but you could probably stack the smaller ones (better mobility) around the pot, too?

Way to go on your harvest! Those numbers looked pretty good!!!

Thanks. I was really surprised on how heavy the dried buds ended up.
Cinder blocks are a great idea. Already planning for next year.
It all comes down to this....we NEED as many votes as possible in the outdoor contest. If we don't get a solid number of voters, then we will question the love for outdoor plants, and the need for a contest!!
So PLEASE stop by both of these threads, and put down your votes.
Auto Live Bud https://www.autoflower.org/threads/outdoor-grow-battle-2017-autoflower-live-bud-voting-thread.61553/
Auto Dried Bud https://www.autoflower.org/threads/outdoor-grow-battle-2017-autoflower-dry-bud-voting-thread.61554/
Votes will be limited to 3 per voter, and votes will be tallied up at the end and both the live and dried bud results will be added together to crown the outdoor auto champion.

Every voter that stops by and also puts down a coment on either of the voting threads, will receive maximum reputation from me as a thanks for helping to support out sun grow ladies.
It has been a wonderful fall and winter sharing blunts with people and teaching them about autoflowers in the states. The number one comment I got about every strain I grew was how "smooth" it smoked, not harsh. That was so awesome to hear!

The second comment I got was, "I thought you could not grow weed outside in Nevada." Oh, how wrong they were!

As my first autoflower grow, my first cannabis outdoor grow, I was quite happy with eight plants producing a pound of manicured buds dried. I got 4 grams of dry sift and pulled 17.2 grams of bubble hash from the trim and one mutant blueberry plant. That was my first time making bubble hash, another learning process. I still have a jar of Daquri Lime trim...butter?

A few things I plan to different this year.

1. Start my plants in much bigger pots.
- I used 4-inch Jiffy peat pots with seed starting mix by a local compost company. The soil had enough nutrients up to day 8 - 9 and then the plants first set of leaves started turning yellow, indicating a nutrient deficiency. I had to supplement the seedlings with an organic fish emulsion fertilizer until they were put into the ground or pot.

2. Not use large free-standing containers for planting.
- The pots I used were BIG and completely full of roots when they were emptied in the fall. The potting soil also dried out much faster than the soil in the garden, so I had to water the pots by hand on the really hot days.

A big thanks to @912GreenSkell for all the work and love he puts into autoflowers. It is time to go order seeds.
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Thanks god you're doing it again this year and it sounds you have a great plan this year, you choosed strains already?

Have that feeling, that this season will be great canna outdoor festival.

@Maria Sanchez have you been in this one last year?
It has been a wonderful fall and winter sharing blunts with people and teaching them about autoflowers in the states. The number one comment I got about every strain I grew was how "smooth" it smoked, not harsh. That was so awesome to hear!

The second comment I got was, "I thought you could not grow weed outside in Nevada." Oh, how wrong they were!

As my first autoflower grow, my first cannabis outdoor grow, I was quite happy with eight plants producing a pound of manicured buds dried. I got 4 grams of dry sift and pulled 17.2 grams of bubble hash from the trim and one mutant blueberry plant. That was my first time making bubble hash, another learning process. I still have a jar of Daquri Lime trim...butter?

A few things I plan to different this year.

1. Start my plants in much bigger pots.
- I used 4-inch Jiffy peat pots with seed starting mix by a local compost company. The soil had enough nutrients up to day 8 - 9 and then the plants first set of leaves started turning yellow, indicating a nutrient deficiency. I had to supplement the seedlings with an organic fish emulsion fertilizer until they were put into the ground or pot.

2. Not use large free-standing containers for planting.
- The pots I used were BIG and completely full of roots when they were emptied in the fall. The potting soil also dried out much faster than the soil in the garden, so I had to water the pots by hand on the really hot days.

3. No Low-Stress Training.
- I love the idea of LST to get bigger plants. I played around with it, however, the plant that I let go "natural" produced the biggest buds and the highest volume of buds. I am going to keep it simple and just let the plants move with the sun.

A big thanks to @912GreenSkell for all the work and love he puts into autoflowers. It is time to go order seeds.

Woohoo!! Hey great to see you bud!! And another year gearing up for some desert monsters!! Awesome!! Sounds like you have a great plan!! Go get 'em bud!!
3. No Low-Stress Training.
- I love the idea of LST to get bigger plants. I played around with it, however, the plant that I let go "natural" produced the biggest buds and the highest volume of buds. I am going to keep it simple and just let the plants move with the sun.

The goal of the LST I use isnt to make bigger plants, it more of a canopy management system to increase side branch development which will ultimately end up with more developed side branches. A slight main stalk angle is all you need , while manipulating the side branches so they get ample light.
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Thanks god you're doing it again this year and it sounds you have a great plan this year, you choosed strains already?

Hi Mongol - yes I am back. As soon as harvest and trimming were over - I was off on vacation! I like to travel way too much to grow all year long. Today my garden is covered on snow, a good time to visualize and plan by the fire.

I was good and did all of my fall soil amending by adding compost from my home compost/worm pit. Then adding some John & Bob's soil organic microbes. I then cover the dirt with a black weed tarp that lets in water and helps the all that stuff break down even more in addition to keeping out leaves and seeds.

I am excited about this seasons to grow. I have 4 DP Fem Photo Blueberry seeds that I am seriously considering trying, all depends on May/September vacation schedule. I may just give them away too. I love how fast the autos grow. Deciding what strains to choose is the hard part! I will do a whole new post on this year's choices & process. I will try to be a bit better about posting too!
The goal of the LST I use isnt to make bigger plants, it more of a canopy management system to increase side branch development which will ultimately end up with more developed side branches. A slight main stalk angle is all you need , while manipulating the side branches so they get ample light.

Thank you for that wonderful explanation of LST. It makes much more sense now.
I have 4 DP Fem Photo Blueberry seeds

Gasp!! Be ready for HUGE plants if you decide to grow them out(well depending on veg time....how many hours of daylight do you get on the 21st of june?)

Thank you for that wonderful explanation of LST. It makes much more sense now.

Check out the angles of the main stalks in the maximizing auto guide. I am using more of a technique to reduce shading and increase exposure to the main tip, as well as the side branches.