New Grower Magical mystery grow (2x Brooklyn Sunrise A, 1x WW A, 1x Sweety A)

@420Forever , @the green bandit , @The^Dude : thank you guys for all the likes, I really do appreciate it.

I’ve never weighed wet. I’ll guess 25%. Someone who weighs wet will know for sure

I googled it a little and 25% seems like a very good and qualified estimation.

1166 wet g of 3 plants could yield 291 dry g. (41.2 oz wet to 10.2 oz dry)
Thats way, way more than I expected, especially considering, that one plant is still growing. I am so happy!

According to my average consumption in last 5 years, I am going to have enough stock for infinity ;) because

Depending upon your intended use I guarantee your consumption will go up. I never thought I would be using as. Much as I currently do. I don’t smoke but use tinctures and edibles to help with pain, sleep and well being. Your body definitely builds up and requires larger doses. I’m never wasted/stoned/obliterated during the regular course of the day, but maintain a pretty high dose to keep my body high in cannabinol throughout the day

lmfao love the honesty yep im doing these seeds and its seed roulette.
Take the one cola you feel is most done and take it down. Satisfy the urge to get some home grown. But leave the rest, you have very healthy plans that are still working hard in that wonderful sunshine.

I just had identical plants that indoors were harvested four weeks earlier than the outdoors. And the outdoors were still working. Maybe the DLI was just a bit lower than we thought, not sure.

I vote let those healthy girls keep working.
