New Grower Magical mystery grow (2x Brooklyn Sunrise A, 1x WW A, 1x Sweety A)

Hello AFN.
This time I really need some help from experienced growers.

Below you can find my trial on macro photos of some bud trichomes.
So, are we there yet? What do you think?

Day 79
[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Brooklyn sunrise
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[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Unknown strain
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[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] Brooklyn sunrise
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These are made with crappy 40x microscope phone extension. I really don't know, are the trichomes clear or cloudy? At least I see no amber, or is my untrained eye wrong?

Thanks in advance for any opinions.

Have a nice day!

they look roughly 50/50 to me...still got a lil wayz to go yet ;) ppp
Ur very close I see some amber in their depending on the buzz u want u could harvest now with probably 5 to 10 % amber which will give u a soaring rush high or you could wait till you hit 20 % or more amber and get more of a heavy couchlock buzz this is definitely a personal preference I like both kinds of buzzes so I harvest all over I dont even use a loup I wait till I see the halo around the buds it wont b noticeable when clear trics but once their all cloudy you can visibly see it bye eye n when amber you'll see a color shift n the glow turns golden or red. I use the breeders timeline n usually add 1 to 2 weeks to their description. I like to give my plants 3 to 7 days of dark before harvest and during that time of dark period the trics amber up a lot as they do most of this building during the dark time . Trics are the plants natural defenses against harmful uv lights so when in dark they build tric production in anticipation for upcoming uv rays.
They look super tastey btw
@420Forever , @Jc420bigbud : thank you guys for your shared knowledge.

I am looking more for an uplifting high than stoned with couchlock type of effect.
I wish I could see a bud halo by naked eye, that could come with experience.:jointman:

The plants still have quite a lot of fan leaves, shall I keep them and let them drop by themselves, or should I get rid of them?

I will post some photos later tonite of whole ladies.

If everything goes well, i am considering harvest in the upcoming weekend, but I surely should check trichs on the lower buds too.
You can harvest more mature buds from the top n let the lowers go an extra week tons of different ways to harvest. I usually defoliate the fan leafs throughout the grow n save them for oils hashes butter or compost with them for future grows. I try my hardest to use the entire plant every time. I hope my vagueness is not confusing their are just so many ways to personalize your grows I would n couldn't ever say their is a definitive way to do something right it's pretty much trial n error until u find what best suits you ! That's the best thing about growing your own smoke.
Hello guys and gals!

I have been busy lately, but yesterday the long awaiting moment has come:


[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Brooklyn sunrise
(most likely)
She got some purple hues in the last 14 days. Surprisingly her sister didn't.

[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] Brooklyn sunrise

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] unknown strain, nicknamed the Violette
she is going to be narcotic, because she is totally overripe

All of them were stripped, colas broken to nugs, and straight into brown paper bags and then into cardboard boxes.

[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] unknown strain yet, still running


If this post gets 10 likes, i'll post photos of wet weigh-in ;) :D

Have a nice day and happy growing!
Hello guys and gals!

I have been busy lately, but yesterday the long awaiting moment has come:


[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Brooklyn sunrise
(most likely)
She got some purple hues in the last 14 days. Surprisingly her sister didn't.
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[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] Brooklyn sunrise
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[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] unknown strain, nicknamed the Violette
she is going to be narcotic, because she is totally overripe
View attachment 1094205

All of them were stripped, colas broken to nugs, and straight into brown paper bags and then into cardboard boxes.

[HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] unknown strain yet, still running

View attachment 1094206

If this post gets 10 likes, i'll post photos of wet weigh-in ;) :D

Have a nice day and happy growing!

if i could give 10 likez, i would, cuz the only reazon i joined afn is for the picturez :biggrin: ppp
I have got new 10 likes all over the thread so here it is ;)

[HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] Brooklyn sunrise

414g =14.6 oz wet

[HASHTAG]#4[/HASHTAG] Brooklyn sunrise

363g = 12.8oz

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] Violette

389g = 13.7 oz

How many % of wet weight can I expect when it gets dry, do you think?
I’ve never weighed wet. I’ll guess 25%. Someone who weighs wet will know for sure