Outdoor High Altitude Desert Outdoor Organic Grow – 2018

Great to see your back in the track my fair Lady, all the best for this season and plenty of harvest!

Thanks! Glad to be back and happy to see your back too. I am very excited to see what the summer brings![emoji16]

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Germination.BB1.jpeg Day 2: Yea!!! Germination has taken place in all six of the pots. :woohoo:That is Blueberry [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] breaking free. The rest of them are in the same condition.
Yes, game on! I have nothing planned but gardening & hiking for the next three months. It should be a lovely summer[emoji274]

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Now im jealous lol It be a dream for me to only have gardening and hiking plans for 3 months!
Day 7 and all is growing well. I have the lights on 24/7 and they are growing so fast! They should be outside in no time.
BB1.5.20.JPG Blueberry [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
BK1.5.20.JPG Blackberry [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
NLBB1.5.20.JPG Northern Lights x Big Bud [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
Day 1 - Getting seeds this year was much more difficult than last year. A big thanks to the customer service at Seedmans for re-sending my order, I am set for the next couple of summers.

Starting today: (All Autos)

Mephisto - Hubbabubbasmelloscope (I love the name of this strain)
World of Seeds - Afghan Kush Ryder
Dutch Passion - Brooklyn Sunrise
Dutch Passion - Colorado Cookies
Dutch Passion - Glueberry OG
Dutch Passion - Night Queen

I grew the Night Queen last summer and it turned out amazing. We shall see how the other strains like the high desert weather.

Day 14

My best plant is Blueberry [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]


Her sister, Blueberry [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] - is a little mutant. The plant is day behind in opening up. This also happened last year to one of my Blueberry plants, however it went on to produce 70 grams of bud & trim that was then turned into 7.8 grams of bubble hash AND a 32 oz of crockpot canna butter. The compost worms got the solids.


Northern Light x Big Bud [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] has a small amount of browning on the tips of two leaves. Why - my closet got hot & dry - 81/27 and 9% humidity. I am now keeping the doors open, we have had some rain and now the closet is between 71/21 - 75/23 and a whopping humidity of 14 %.

NLxBB [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] was the last to open. It too, did not like the high heat and low humidity.

Based on last years experience, DP Blackberry Kush DOES NOT like the outdoor high desert environment. It was my worst preforming strain. So why am I growing it again, because they were the only seeds I had at start time and I was not sure if I was going to get my order in time. However, now that I have seeds, I am seriously considering growing these two plants half indoor & outdoor in pots I can move easily.


Blackberry Kush [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] - This plant has some major heat damage, but I have faith she will pull through.
Blackberry Kush [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] - Not as bad.

I am waiting for the nights to get a bit warmer before I transplant. I am going to start getting the girls out side for short burst of time starting today. I did this last year and it seemed to work well.

Also, any info on the new strains is much welcome and appreciated! Happy growing!


  • BB1.5.27.JPG
    144.1 KB · Views: 44
Ive run all of the DP strains outdoors except for the NIght queen. Hard to say how well any of them would do well in extreme heat through!! I hope they do awesome for you!! Between brooklyn, colorado and glueberry, and of course the awesome night queen...wow nice selections!! I could see WOS AKR doing well in the heat...its lineage you would think would make it perfectly suited for heat.
Ive grown out all of those strains except for the hubbabubba.
I look forward to watching this grow. :cheers:

It's amazing how we have to adapt to our environments. I'm on the wet side of the Cascade Mountains in the Pacific Northwest, and growing autos is part of my attempt at adapting -- our fall arrives pretty quickly and with a lot of rain, right around the time photoperiods are finishing. It's a constant battle with mold. Autos will finish weeks before the seasons change, so they could be the answer.