Live Stoners Hello from frozen divide


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I made some canna butter last weekend. I thought I would test the potency out last night ...I just took a little piece of butter and.....Oh my god !!! I'm going to make caramels this weekend [emoji12]

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Day 61 is a little shy of 9 weeks ... unless the plant has an extended life expectancy it's nearing the end of it's life and the buds look close to ripe ... I worry more about a plant showing too much green at harvest time than I do the eventual dying off of the fans ... if they were mine I'd stay the course and be prepared for a massive harvest soon ... glad you liked the butter, wish I was there to sample the caramel ... as ever plants look great.
This does a real nice job of decarb ... it's not cheap but it's effective ... coupons are available to reduce the cost slightly ...