Live Stoner Chat Hello from frozen divide

No first hand experience but i would go with biotabs and a light mix soil over kind soil. You can still use water only start to finish

Thank you!! I will research this. I would like try a water only on a couple next time. However, I will not change what has worked so well last time.

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The powers that be here in the great state of Montana have decided that they're going to debate whether a patient can grow it home or not. That's because the large providers in this state with storefronts want to do away with the home grower. I was wanting to start a perpetual and that I would only have maybe four plants every two weeks which would've worked out very well for me. But it's getting kind of iffy so I'm on the fence on whether to start all 12 again or go with what I had planned. Good Lord I hate politician and greedy people

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