Live Stoners Hello from frozen divide

Day 61 is a little shy of 9 weeks ... unless the plant has an extended life expectancy it's nearing the end of it's life and the buds look close to ripe ... I worry more about a plant showing too much green at harvest time than I do the eventual dying off of the fans ... if they were mine I'd stay the course and be prepared for a massive harvest soon ... glad you liked the butter, wish I was there to sample the caramel ... as ever plants look great.
This does a real nice job of decarb ... it's not cheap but it's effective ... coupons are available to reduce the cost slightly ...

Just ordered this. Thank you so much Chester. Very hard to decarb and cover the smell. The last time my grandchildren popped in for a visit. Needless to say we all had to visit in the garage.

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You guys are so awesome. I was tripping big-time. So at this point I guess I'll start take pictures of buds as well they might be big and frosty I don't know much else about them.

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You can always pick up jewellers louple and look at the trichomes. Most growers wait until they turn mostly cloudy with some amber. Personal preference really though
This is what I use for a microscope ... works for taking pictures too ... variety of sellers at a variety of prices ... easy to use if you know the trick to it ...



They are fast approaching the finish line ... I would keep an eye out for any plants that want to be cut early if only to reduce the enormous job of harvesting all at once ... IMO a bud is done when it is not producing any new white pistils and the pistils that are there are 80-100% brown and shriveled up ... others may look for different signs ... 63 days seems early but those buds pictured are pretty darned close and I dare say many here would harvest them based on the way they look ... I predict nearly 3# of buds when you get done ...